How common are 11 inch cocks?

We aren't a video shop. We sell sex toys. We are required to be professional. We have to use anatomically correct terms for body parts. We get secret shopped all the time. We are held to a high standard. It's not like anything you'd see in the red light district.

well each to their own. I honestly don't understand why people would want to work or visit a sex shop . it is a very strange world we live in. americans are way over obsessed with sex.
I'm curious, why are you here? For a sexually repressed dude, you sure seem to like Quercusone's cock.

Why be in a sex site at all if sex outside of a vanilla relationship is immoral? There's a lot of kink here.
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I'm curious, why are you here? For a sexually repressed dude, you sure seem to like Quercusone's cock.

Why be in a sex site at all if sex outside of a vanilla relationship is immoral? There's a lot of kink here.

I originally came here to promote a bit of my blog one of which was dedicated to monster white cocks, and another on pornstars being measured, they are both still online but in-active. I don't have a girlfriend currently so I am just messing around on here and getting users to hate me it seems. I would like to see or meet some hot Asian women on here but I can't find any.

I do wish I had the same size as quercusone. I am pretty insecure about my 7.2 incher which is only that on a good day. I would like a 9 or 10 but not going to happen.
You mentioned porn. You know what? My husband would never watch porn. He's not turned on by it. He finds almost every bit of it to be fake and annoying. Even though he doesn't watch it he'd never tell someone else they are immoral for doing so.

How do you make it through life with such a judgemental outlook? Life is much easier to live and let live. As long as it doesn't involve animals, this includes horses for anyone who might not be sure, as long as there is no one under age and everyone is consenting, why be bothered by what anyone does sexually?
You mentioned porn. You know what? My husband would never watch porn. He's not turned on by it. He finds almost every bit of it to be fake and annoying. Even though he doesn't watch it he'd never tell someone else they are immoral for doing so.

How do you make it through life with such a judgemental outlook? Life is much easier to live and let live. As long as it doesn't involve animals, this includes horses for anyone who might not be sure, as long as there is no one under age and everyone is consenting, why be bothered by what anyone does sexually?

Look at the bigger picture. Sex shops are corrupting society if you think about it, they are offering not a good service but something that is bad. Would you agree with that? I know you make money out of it and a living out of it, but surely you must know deep down that sex shops are not a good thing, not morally beneficial.
Did you know more than 3/4 of women don't orgasm from penetration? Did you know that there are many women who need vibration on the clitoris in order to orgasm? Did you know couples sometimes like flavored oral sex gels? Did you know there are widowed men looking for a pocket vagina because they don't want to get into a relationship to have sex? Did you know there are magazine collectors and we sell vintage editions? Did you know there are couples looking to try anal sex and need a small anal plug to start with? Did you know we carry numbing lubricant to make vaginal or anal sex more comfortable? Did you know there are couples that want to be tied up, we sell things for that. We have brides to be coming to pick out their wedding night lingerie at our store? You don't have to agree with prostitution, but it exists and I'm happy to sell one a pack of condoms so they don't get pregnant or spread disease? We have the biggest hosiery selection in town. We carry nice heels for anyone who wants to wear a sexy heel. We sell sex swings that help disabled people have sex. We sell bath stuff, lingerie wash, pheromone perfumes and colognes. We sell lubricants that might be purchased by a woman going through menopause that needs it. We sell cheap vibes for cheap people. We sell vibrators with remote controls so a couple can have fun at home or discretely in public. We sell fun penis candy for Bachelorette parties. We sell gag gifts for the company Christmas party. I could go on and on.

Your idea of the kind of place I work at is clouded with perversions. My reality is dealing with every day people.
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Did you know more than 3/4 of women don't orgasm from penetration? Did you know that there are many women who need vibration on the clitoris in order to orgasm? Did you know couples sometimes like flavored oral sex gels? Did you know there are widowed men looking for a pocket vagina because they don't want to get into a relationship to have sex? Did you know there are magazine collectors and we sell vintage editions? Did you know there are couples looking to try anal sex and need a small anal plug to start with? Did you know we carry numbing lubricant to make vaginal or anal sex more comfortable? Did you know there are couples that want to be tied up, we sell things for that. We have brides to be coming to pick out their wedding night lingerie at our store? You don't have to agree with prostitution, but it exists and I'm happy to sell one a pack of condoms so they don't get pregnant or spread disease? We have the biggest hosiery selection in town. We carry nice heels for anyone who wants to wear a sexy heel. We sell sex swings that help disabled people have sex. We sell bath stuff, lingerie wash, pheromone perfumes and colognes.

Your idea of the kind of place I work at is clouded with perversions. My reality is dealing with every day people.

The majority of these people you describe though are sexual deviants or depraved in some way not every day people who are sexually active but normally functioning.

No normal lady in her right mind wanting to get married to the love of her life would turn up to a sex shop to buy her dress, that is just degrading. Normal couples don't tie themselves up, that's sadist stuff.

would agree with you buying condoms/lube is normal. but all these other examples, not really. Who would buy a pocket vagina? That is just sad. and the majority of women do not buy vibrators. I stick by my original point, there is not good about a sex shop. Btw These never existed a hundred years ago.
You are basing your opinion on the people you know in life. I can't go to any store or nice restaurant in town without running into my customers. Most couples don't talk about this stuff. Precisely because people like you judge them for it.

I see your average person every 5 minutes, doctors, lawyers, flight attendants, delivery drivers, artists, day laborers.

I'm also fluent in Spanish thanks to my job.

Deviant is in the eye of the beholder. I've seen a lot of stuff I'd never do personally. But that's why people love coming to see me when I'm working. I make people comfortable and don't judge them.

What's wrong with a woman wanting a vibrator?
I enjoy what I do. I have a lot of fun moments at work. Most people dread going to work. I don't. I have reached a point in my life that some people never get to. In many ways actually.

There's nothing you or anyone can say about it that will make me feel bad or negative towards myself. But I'd love to watch you keep trying.

Is that white dildo you posted 12 inches from base to tip, or is it from tip to end of suction cup? And that black one is the BAM dildo right? Believe it's 13x8 or something.
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The majority of these people you describe though are sexual deviants or depraved in some way not every day people who are sexually active but normally functioning.
I would call them curious or adventurous, willing to try out something new.

No normal lady in her right mind wanting to get married to the love of her life would turn up to a sex shop to buy her dress, that is just degrading.
Lingerie is not he same as a wedding dress.

would agree with you buying condoms/lube is normal. but all these other examples, not really. Who would buy a pocket vagina? That is just sad. and the majority of women do not buy vibrators. I stick by my original point, there is not good about a sex shop. Btw These never existed a hundred years ago.
Not everyone is in a relationship all the time. That's normal everyday life.
You are basing your opinion on the people you know in life. I can't go to any store or nice restaurant in town without running into my customers. Most couples don't talk about this stuff. Precisely because people like you judge them for it.

I see your average person every 5 minutes, doctors, lawyers, flight attendants, delivery drivers, artists, day laborers.

I'm also fluent in Spanish thanks to my job.

Deviant is in the eye of the beholder. I've seen a lot of stuff I'd never do personally. But that's why people love coming to see me when I'm working. I make people comfortable and don't judge them.

What's wrong with a woman wanting a vibrator?

Ok fair play. Maybe you are right, nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors. I know a lot of lawyers and politicians in my country are corrupt. Most couples don't talk about it in public, I think that is a good thing.
Assuming you had parents, did they raise you to mock what someone does for a living?
Still hanging around to annoy us with his trolling.
Immature kid, who doesn't know anything about sex, except what he reads on the net and sees in porno.
He adores big white cocks ( even analyze them ) and likes to have sex with a petite asian girl. That's morality on top.
But entering a sex shop is bad behaviour ...
Assuming you had parents, did they raise you to mock what someone does for a living?

I do have parents... none of my family have any respect for prostitutes, I have no problem mocking a sex shop worker it is unethical to me... but I respect her as a person. What is there good about prostitution? It ruins relationships and marriages.
People confide in me. I rarely deal with inappropriate behavior in my store. I shut that shit down. I can kick anyone out for any reason. I won't hesitate to call the police if someone acts up in there.

People whisper their questions sometimes. Little do they know I've heard nearly everything and no question makes me feel uncomfortable. I have been a listening ear to many. They are ordinary folks. Ordinary I tell ya.
I do have parents... none of my family have any respect for prostitutes, I have no problem mocking a sex shop worker it is unethical to me... but I respect her as a person. What is there good about prostitution? It ruins relationships and marriages.
There's a huge difference between being a prostitute and working in a sex shop like the one described by Tattooed Goddess.
I do have parents... none of my family have any respect for prostitutes, I have no problem mocking a sex shop worker it is unethical to me... but I respect her as a person. What is there good about prostitution? It ruins relationships and marriages.

There are tons of single men who see prostitutes. I make no judgement. It's really not my business what people do. I don't burden myself with other people's decisions.

When a prostitute comes into my store to buy a condom. I always tell her to stay safe. They really appreciate that another woman is being nice to them, even if they have sex for money. Sometimes I quote Missy Elliott and say "ain't no shame baby do your Thang, just make sure you're ahead of the game"
I do have parents... none of my family have any respect for prostitutes, I have no problem mocking a sex shop worker it is unethical to me... but I respect her as a person. What is there good about prostitution? It ruins relationships and marriages.

OK, all fuckery aside... you honestly have a very ignorant view of sex work and related industries.

I'm not trying to insult you. It's objectively true. You have no idea what the world is truly like if you honestly believe there is NO benefit to prostitution.