Wrong on all counts.but look even 100 years ago, there were no marketed sex toys. nobody used sex toys throughout history, they are a recent phenomena. and even if you are right just because some people buy things does not make it good. most people buy chocolate but chocolate is bad for health... and which people use sex toys? not many that are in a relationship.
Dildos have been recovered from archeological digs dating to the Paleolithic Period. Virtually every ancient culture has examples of phallic toys.
Where do you get your information? How exactly is a sex toy, game, device, etc. "bad"? Where are your statistics showing that "not many in a relationship" purchase them? While anecdotal, I have been an occasional but regular customer of good sex shops wherever I've lived. I shop with my wife when we can, and more often than not, there are couples of every variety shopping together. And people in relationships shop alone....there are plenty of wedding rings on both the men and women I see shopping.
You are more than welcome to avoid this area of sexuality, but to judge others, especially given that your information so far has been patently incorrect, is at best misguided.
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