How common are 11 inch cocks?

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Did you go by plane? Or if it's a road trip you can visit me on your way home. j/k ;)
Swiss is pretty cool and beautiful. If you get the chance, visit Solothurn. It's about half an hour from Basel. The historic district is sweet and the river is clean as hell due to no industry or boats.
By plane. Think I'll fly home tomorrow.

Mental note of Solothurn for future vacation.
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First comment from me is... Where is the first inch of the ruler???

Second comment... Why the continued inability to take a simple picture from the top???

he is doing a bone pressed measurement I believe, he claims bone pressed 10". Do you agree this one is genuine? Not been edited.
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he is doing a bone pressed measurement I believe, he claims bone pressed 10". Do you agree this one is genuine? Not been edited.
He claims a lot of things - being 7" girth etcetera ;)

No, I don't see 10" bone pressed in the second GIF - unless he has a 2" fat pad something is odd. Actually even with a 2" fat pad something is odd. Ruler seems off.

Anyways, he can continue to work on photoshopping skills and other trickery - even fix the shadows on some of them. Doesn't change a thing - cheating is cheating - and he's been caught. End of story.
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Lets see what the the usual suspects say :)

Looks unedited. The camera angle facing the cock makes it hard to tell were the end of the dick lines up with the ruler. Also the ruler starts in the middle of the groin but slants to the left of the body toward the camera. This gives the appearance of a longer penis. Also the angle of the penis is pointed down relative to his leaned back torso. That helps to get a slightly longer reading. It appears to reach 10" bp, but given the three points I made, I would say just over 9" bp.

I will say that he looks very girthy if he is actually 9" or more.
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he is doing a bone pressed measurement I believe, he claims bone pressed 10". Do you agree this one is genuine? Not been edited.
He can do anything he wants. He phonied-up the shadow pic, no reason to think he wouldn't do the same with a gif. Especially since both show the same apparent length.

Trust. Got none for him.
Looks unedited. The camera angle facing the cock makes it hard to tell were the end of the dick lines up with the ruler. Also the ruler starts in the middle of the groin but slants to the left of the body toward the camera. This gives the appearance of a longer penis. Also the angle of the penis is pointed down relative to his leaned back torso. That helps to get a slightly longer reading. It appears to reach 10" bp, but given the three points I made, I would say just over 9" bp.

I will say that he looks very girthy if he is actually 9" or more.
Check out Mr snufs gifs as well...examine them..he is genuine as well
AdorableWeepyAlaskanhusky.gif big is he?
Looks unedited. The camera angle facing the cock makes it hard to tell were the end of the dick lines up with the ruler. Also the ruler starts in the middle of the groin but slants to the left of the body toward the camera. This gives the appearance of a longer penis. Also the angle of the penis is pointed down relative to his leaned back torso. That helps to get a slightly longer reading. It appears to reach 10" bp, but given the three points I made, I would say just over 9" bp.

I will say that he looks very girthy if he is actually 9" or more.
It's deff not pointing to the left..and it also isn't pointing down..ill deff have to redo this same pose and post another gif stay tuned..its hard to do it by yourself..unlike me mr snuf has someone holding his phone/camera making it easier...
Looks unedited. The camera angle facing the cock makes it hard to tell were the end of the dick lines up with the ruler. Also the ruler starts in the middle of the groin but slants to the left of the body toward the camera. This gives the appearance of a longer penis. Also the angle of the penis is pointed down relative to his leaned back torso. That helps to get a slightly longer reading. It appears to reach 10" bp, but given the three points I made, I would say just over 9" bp.
I was with you up until that last line.


Have any of the angle enthusiasts ever directly given an explanation as to why they won't take a simple picture looking straight down their chest where everybody can see that everything is as they say it is, and not be expected to "take their word for it"?

These sort of pictures are like repeatedly answering a different question than what someone keeps asking you.