
Loved Member
Dec 31, 2020
69% Gay, 31% Straight
(First of all my apologies if I misspell anything, English is not my first language)

Have you ever been so attached to someone but you never passed the “friends” stage??

I met him a couple of years ago, we were studying abroad, at first I didn’t like him physically (even when he’s hot AF) or as a person (sort of rude), but I started talking with him cause he was friend with a lot of people from clubs and as an international student back then I wanted party not paying the cover lol.

After the semester we both went back to our countries and thats when we started talking a LOT about everything and nothing, good morning/night texts, calls and FaceTime at all hours, sharing movies, music, pictures from our childhoods and families etc, we were hooked AF. (He met and also talked a lot with my mom via FaceTime, she adore him )

after one year talking 24/7 I traveled to his country cause I needed to see him in person and wanted to talk about “us” I spent 1 month there, I met some of friends, part of his family and his girl… (I always knew there was a girl, but I also knew since abroad that he cried while drunk saying he was not happy either with his life/relationship), I honestly don’t know how he managed to call me or answer my calls all the time while having a relationship…??

Anyway, the day I met her was the day I didn’t knew who he was, the way he treated her as some 1800’s big macho, his voice and expressions, he was completely a different person, couple of days later we finally were alone again, so we had “the talk”, I expressed all my feelings and him with a red face and tears in his eyes just answered me “ITS COMPLICATED”… dafuq is that?? life’s already complicated, it’s a yes or no… anyway after that I returned to my country and we keep as always… but about a week later he changed and started to be possessive??? He was mad with comments I received either on IG or FB, asking me about the likes I received and everything, I was patient a couple of months till I got tired we had a huge fight and I blocked his ass from everywhere just a couple of days before the covid lockdown started…

By mid January of 2021 he wrote me on IG using some random account, I accepted his apologies and unblocked him, eventually he started texting again but it was not the same intensity or number or texts or calls, I believe that everything we used to talk in a week is everything we have talked since then…

Around 2-3 weeks ago he started talking more, asking me to travel or if he could come or something, I only told him that right now I’m not good with money but we can arrange something by Oct/Nov… out of nowhere this past weekend he posted an IG Story and I was curious about it cause it looked like a bachelor party so I asked… he replied “forgot to tell you, IM GETTING MARRIED NEXT JULY” I felt so stupid and ashamed at the same time, I was frozen… I know people is in the closet and everyone has their times but c’mon…

I would like to say that I’ve lost my feelings for him, but would be a lie, but also, I don’t want to end up as the mistress, stucked with someone that it seems would never be able to live his truth, and that after all this years for some reason we still end up with nothing… btw I’m Bi, I’ve always been openly Bi, and even when he don’t like to talk about it he’s too.
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Whatever "it's complicated" means, if he's still with her and making plans, you don't mean enough to him to build a future together.
Feelings can be hard. If you feel you deserve better than being his secret/his toy/his affair (whatever he wants to label it), then take your distance. Love sometimes also is letting go. Letting him live his life and finding things that make you happy in yours. Even if it feels differently, you don't need him in your life. Wanting him in it is something else, but he should want that too for it to happen.
Make him part of your life (or not) within your boundaries and rules. Look out for yourself too.
Whatever "it's complicated" means, if he's still with her and making plans, you don't mean enough to him to build a future together.
Feelings can be hard. If you feel you deserve better than being his secret/his toy/his affair (whatever he wants to label it), then take your distance. Love sometimes also is letting go. Letting him live his life and finding things that make you happy in yours. Even if it feels differently, you don't need him in your life. Wanting him in it is something else, but he should want that too for it to happen.
Make him part of your life (or not) within your boundaries and rules. Look out for yourself too.
amazing advice!
By mid January of 2021 he wrote me on IG...I accepted his apologies and unblocked him, eventually he started texting again...2-3 weeks ago he <asked> me to travel or if he could come...<but I said couldn't afford travel until> Oct/Nov ..<last> weekend he posted a bachelor party(?) on IG..so I asked… he replied “forgot to tell you, IM GETTING MARRIED NEXT JULY” I felt so stupid and ashamed…I don’t want to end up as the <secret> mistress, stuck with someone <closeted,> never able to live his truth...BTW I’m Bi, I’ve always been openly Bi...

You managed to dodge the bullet, gonerock, by not getting into a relationship with him. An unhappy marriage to a possesive, rude, male chauvanist awaits his intended wife. You must now choose to either navigate life with him as friends or cut ties with him completely.