How to explain the phenomenon of dick size importance? do you have any theory why that matters?
It probably started with porn, and all the oohing and ahhing the women would make when they encountered a large dick. Plus the fantasy of a bigger dick = better sex too. Once porn exploded in availability to the general public, first through home video rentals, then the internet, the myth of the importance of having a big dick spread even further into popular culture.How to explain the phenomenon of dick size importance? do you have any theory why that matters?
Pretty much every woman has mentioned the same to me about just being generally attentive to their needs/desires and being a nice guy out of the bedroom - and rather dominant in the bedroom. Seems that is a recipe for success with most women.In the real world 98% of women don't care about your dick size as long as you are an attentive and giving lover, in and out of bed. I am above average in length and girth, both over the 90+ percentiles, but the thing every woman has mentioned to me about our sexual experiences together was about how I pleasured them. I paid attention to their body language and ensured that I was giving them the most pleasure I could, whether that was through the use of my tongue, dick, or fingers. Having a larger than normal dick was just a bonus as I knew how to use all of me to please all of them.
I based my comments and percentage of women based on what women have said, in research, here on LPSG, news articles, etc. I too, have had women really enjoy my larger-than-average cock, but the reason I got to use my cock with them at all had nothing to do with its size, as absolutely none knew what I had until after they already decided that they were having sex with me.But I do NOT agree that 98% of women don't care about the size. Almost the opposite! I find that the vast majority of them do appreciate when it's huge and pushing the limits of what they can take. Yeah, there are other things that matter more, but the excitement when they see/feel it is palpable, there's often a lot of "you're so big/so deep" type talk, and I've had several praise how much better a big dick is afterward. And come back specifically because it was hard for them to find a guy with a huge dick, especially one who was also all of those other things you mention (attentive, nice, etc.) The ones who truly didn't care about the size were rare exceptions.
The evolutionary reasons for the increased thickness have not been established. One explanation is that thicker penises are an adaptation to a corresponding increase in vaginal size. The vaginal canal is believed to have expanded in humans to accommodate the larger size of a newborn's skull. Women may then have sexually selected men with penises large enough to fit their vagina, to provide sexual stimulation and ensure ejaculation.
Other evolutionary hypotheses to explain humans' relatively large penis length and girth include a sperm competition hypothesis and a mate competition hypothesis. The sperm competition hypothesis does not have much support as in other mammals where sperm competition is present, larger testes evolve, not larger penises. The mate competition hypothesis involves the prediction that a human with a larger penis would be able to displace the sperm of another. Studies have found that larger penises do not displace other sperm more effectively than smaller penises, but rather longer penises may ejaculate sperm inside the vagina in places that would be harder for a following penis to displace. The depth of pelvic thrusting was correlated to the displacement of competing sperm.
The males of ancient Greece believed that small penises were ideal. Scholars believe that most ancient Greeks probably had roughly the same size penises as most other Europeans, but Greek artistic portrayals of handsome youths show them with inordinately small, uncircumcised penises with disproportionately large foreskins, indicating that these were seen as ideal. Large penises in Greek art are reserved exclusively for comically grotesque figures, such as satyrs, a class of hideous, horse-like woodland spirits, who are shown in Greek art with absurdly massive penises.
Same experience. The idea that women don't care about dick size is an overstatement. There are things they may care about more, but I have had far too many blunt conversations to the contrary.Pretty much every woman has mentioned the same to me about just being generally attentive to their needs/desires and being a nice guy out of the bedroom - and rather dominant in the bedroom. Seems that is a recipe for success with most women.
But I do NOT agree that 98% of women don't care about the size. Almost the opposite! I find that the vast majority of them do appreciate when it's huge and pushing the limits of what they can take. Yeah, there are other things that matter more, but the excitement when they see/feel it is palpable, there's often a lot of "you're so big/so deep" type talk, and I've had several praise how much better a big dick is afterward. And come back specifically because it was hard for them to find a guy with a huge dick, especially one who was also all of those other things you mention (attentive, nice, etc.) The ones who truly didn't care about the size were rare exceptions.
I agree with this statement the most, it's normal to have a size fascination, it's all just personal preference.IMO the phenomenon is simply size fascination because extra big anything is rare. While not truly a secondary sexual characteristic like large breasts/booties on women and large chests/arms with body hair on men, a large male member is still eye popping. Curiosity is aroused.
I always hear on this site, from women, that size doesn’t matter. However, I have heard maybe 4 or 5 times in my middle aged life, when a friend or member of our social group is has been mentioned as hung, the women have suddenly sprung to attention. Not in an, oh she looks interested way, but they say ”oh now I’m interested” , sometimes in front of their partners and once an ex of mine. The subject was changed pretty quickly by the men so never went any further.Same experience. The idea that women don't care about dick size is an overstatement. There are things they may care about more, but I have had far too many blunt conversations to the contrary.