Huge realistic wearable prosthetics?

have you purchased from them?
I’ve purchased from that site a couple times. I was really happy with the prosthetics from there. They are quite expensive though, but are custom made to your specifications and look incredibly real when on. Definitely worth it if you don’t mind dropping some coin.
I’ve purchased from that site a couple times. I was really happy with the prosthetics from there. They are quite expensive though, but are custom made to your specifications and look incredibly real when on. Definitely worth it if you don’t mind dropping some coin.
do you have any pix you could share of yours being worn
Hi Durbanville Guy. Re Penis Transplant Human to Human sorry but that's incorrect.
surgeons in the UK gave a guy a working penis from skin taken from his forearm.The poor man when he was very young lost his was severed when he was hit by a car crossing the road. There's another guy in the U.K that they are now working on the same procedure to give him a penis. He was born without one. His story was shown on
TV here recently. The title of the program was "The Man Without a Penis"
Hope that this clears up the confusion.
This is a genuine NEED. Not a RP request. I genuinely WANT this. I'm 8.5" but I kinda have an extreme size fetish that I keep secret. I have a real life fantasy, that some guy kidnaps me and chains me up in their home. They've heard that I have this size fetish, tracked me down, and have put it upon themselves to give me what I dream of, whether I like it or not... Over the course of few months, they put me through a course of penis expansion exercises. Pumping, hormone pills, injections, stretches... progressively changing the tube and trying different things. As my cock slowly gets longer, thicker, heavier, more debilitating. I'm powerless to stop this guy. The size starts to weigh me down, until even unshackled I'm barely able to drag myself along the floor. Let alone escape. I wonder if theres a person out there vindictive enough to force this upon me.
Or failing that at the very least, to be attached to a gigantic heavy prosthetic against my will that I was unable to remove like some kind of chastity belt and forced to live with this giant behemoth between my legs.
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This is a genuine NEED. Not a RP request. I genuinely WANT this. I'm 8.5" but I kinda have an extreme size fetish that I keep secret. I have a real life fantasy, that some guy kidnaps me and chains me up in their home. They've heard that I have this size fetish, tracked me down, and have put it upon themselves to give me what I dream of, whether I like it or not... Over the course of few months, they put me through a course of penis expansion exercises. Pumping, hormone pills, injections, stretches... progressively changing the tube and trying different things. As my cock slowly gets longer, thicker, heavier, more debilitating. I'm powerless to stop this guy. The size starts to weigh me down, until even unshackled I'm barely able to drag myself along the floor. Let alone escape. I wonder if theres a person out there vindictive enough to force this upon me.
I’ve read a pretty hot sex story very similar to this. The abductors were women, but the results are basically what you’ve described. If I find it I’ll send it to you.
Wrapping an Ace bandage around the penis, in a stretched state, makes a mediocre stretching device. But while it's on, it's basically in the shape of a huge dick. It looks good. But too obvious.

it looked like it was on the upper limits of human penis size. Which was awesome. The issue was, it was big enough that if you run into someone you know, they're going to think "I would have noticed if he was that big." It was obviously "big" in all the pants I tried. It makes me wish I was that big, since I can't apply it to real life, it's not my thing.
You can get the same results after using a bathmate hydro max. In my case it really plumps it up. Also it's in a sense your penis so if anyone doubts you can whip it out.
I purchased one. It’s a lot of fun. But I haven’t figured out how to apply it realistically. It has a very discernible seam at the base. I don’t know anything about prosthetics. But it’d be fun to use it if I could figure it out.