
I mean the exact same thing could be said about any political figurehead, they've literally all done terrible things... so does that mean your decision to vote democrat mean you support all of their past transgressions and hold the same views? I would hope not (and no I won't name and shame as I don't want this to be a pissing contest).

Generally people who vote are single issue voters, where the most prevalent concern is their priority (where in today's economic climate, I'd say cost of living/economy is majority of people's concerns). The fact that you are applying a broad brush to someone you don't even know and just making wild assumptions on their moral values based on a following says more about you than him.
I’m not going to get into a long political discussion on this thread, but supporting Trump is not the same as supporting general republican policies. And to frame most voters as single issue, wherein their political affiliation is not the sum of a mixture of different aspects that affect their life, is also obtuse. You’re free to like whomever you want despite their glaring lack in judgment and I am free to do the same.