You have some correct points, but some of what you are saying may just be your individual libido and unrelated to hyperspermia.
"Men with hyperspermia are mass blasters, cumming unbelievable amounts"
Yes...very true.
And even more so when you have been blessed/cursed with extremely over sized testicles...
“Unbelievable amounts”, eh that really depends on the guy lol.
Hyperspermia represents a broad range of volumes, but the minimum isn’t a massive amount of cum
that much bigger than the average guy. Guys who shoot out 5.5 ml of load have hyperspermia just the same as us guys who shoot out 30 ml of load. So it’s a wide range honestly.
That said, I concur at least with the testicles comment haha, as I
definitely have an over-sized pair of huge meatballs
And, like yourself, I’ve got an extremely well-endowed cock too, so go us haha
But the problem is not just the size of individual cum "loads"...the amount...the "problem" is also so much cum is produced that almost no amount of sex, many, many loads... even with many partners...can truly "drain" you and "sate" you...hence the description of being "insatiable".
Hmm, depends on what you’re intending to say here - that people with hyperspermia can’t be sated, or that the
perceptions of people with hyperspermia is that we can’t be sated?
If the former, well that’s on an individual basis of one’s personal libido. For myself, yeah my balls never seem to run out of cum to shoot, but I definitely don’t feel as if I
have to drain them either.
But, if the latter, yeah, I suppose we can seem as if we are insatiable given that no matter how many times I spurt out a load, I never end up shooting blank. Though, I’d hope my partners aren’t so shallow as to think that if my huge balls still are able to spurt cum that it means I’m unsatisfied.