I Really Want To Know If More Men Are Turning Bi.

Is fitness a bi phenomenon?

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More men are feeling comfortable or empowered to embrace their bisexual feelings and urges, I wouldn't say anybody is turning bi. Part of it Id have to attribute to the changing attitudes of women interested in men; being not as historically averse to homosexual male behaviors.
I'm not sure what fitness has to do with the title of the thread but I will respond to the thread.

First off I think there are different definitions of Bi and mine would be someone who has had a same sex experience and is not adverse to having more but is also hetero. I do think probably more men are experimenting with other men but to what degree versus say 25 years ago is anybody's guess. I do think more men are at least admitting to themselves that they are bi-curious but have yet to take the plunge for a variety of reasons. I'm sure the advent of the internet and ease of porn has fueled this curiosity but I would guess men have been curious for eons.
This is a stupid question. You don’t turn bi. Just like you don’t turn gay and you don’t turn straight. You are born bi or gay or straight, it’s not a choice and it’s not something you can just get turned into.
My experience is I have hook up with a lot of married men in my past. Different hot cruising areas where I went had a lot of married guys cruising for sex. Lot of wedding bands on their fingers. You would see a lot of guys getting out of cars and leave in different cars. Where I used to live it was prevalent.
This is so stupid it hurts my head.

Does "varnishing my penis with clear coat shellac and listening to rap music in the living room while watching Superbowl highlights on lockdown" count for an acceptable answer?
[QUOTE = "KevinKS, post: 44558831, członek: 7234241"] Nie jestem pewien, co ma związek z tytułem wątku, ale odpowiem w wątku.

Po pierwsze, myślę, że istnieją różne definicje Bi, a moja byłaby kimś, kto miał doświadczenia z tą samą płcią i nie jest przeciwny posiadaniu więcej, ale jest również hetero. Myślę, że prawdopodobnie więcej mężczyzn eksperymentuje z innymi mężczyznami, ale nikt nie wie, w jakim stopniu w porównaniu z powiedzeniem 25 lat temu. Myślę, że więcej mężczyzn przynajmniej przyznaje przed sobą, że są podwójnie ciekawi, ale z różnych powodów jeszcze nie zdecydowali się na to. Jestem pewien, że pojawienie się internetu i łatwość pornografii podsyciły tę ciekawość, ale myślę, że mężczyźni byli ciekawi przez eony. [/ QUOTE]
Cała prawda . I only now 60 + prefer a man. And this is due to the internet
Yeah I dont believe in "turning" anything.

Now if u wanna say increased exposure to porn (seeing more cock in general), and easier access to male sex partners (via dating sites and apps etc) has led men to explore more as opposed to previous generations, I'd agree
Maybe not so much fitness but the world nowadays is more accepting of gay guys or bi guys or whatever sexuality you may have. With that being said, more of these guys are wanting to look sexier and are getting into fitness more. So maybe that is where you are seeing fitness and sexuality corelate.
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My experience is I have hook up with a lot of married men in my past. Different hot cruising areas where I went had a lot of married guys cruising for sex. Lot of wedding bands on their fingers. You would see a lot of guys getting out of cars and leave in different cars. Where I used to live it was prevalent.
Ive noticed a lot of gay married men period with children and all but still fuck dudes in secret very sad
I have to say this given the comments so far...
All the talk is about men "turning" or "becoming" bi or gay. Well do two Google searches:
First "married bi men" Next... "married bi women". Read a few of the posts and comments from the top search results for both. I won't give my opinion but there is a social difference.
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