We did almost meet in person in the winter of 2017 (she asked to meet me), but a major blizzard prevented us from meeting (I would've had to drive, 2 hours in the blizzard to meet her, which ended up getting canceled - it was a good thing, since that 2017 blizzard ended up being part of a Nor'Easter).
Also - I'm working on relocating from New Jersey to Nevada, and (possibly - crossing my fingers) starting a managerial position in a new job soon. (I just submitted a post-interview survey today, so they'll make a hiring decision next week)
By the way - even locals have told me, "Move away. Nothing ever happens here." They're 1,000% correct.
Also - a lot has changed since I wrote my posts. Mostly negative, with very few positives, but I've been keeping my head down and focusing on genealogical research (when I made the old posts, that was 8 months ago or so, and I was in a completely different situation in life).
But long story short - I am also in a new relationship, so I'm just hopeful for the future, is all.
And my 28th birthday was last month (just another day).
However, I am a lot more optimistic since I first posted, which - I suppose - is a small step.