I want true love. (Warning: Long post)

We did almost meet in person in the winter of 2017 (she asked to meet me), but a major blizzard prevented us from meeting (I would've had to drive, 2 hours in the blizzard to meet her, which ended up getting canceled - it was a good thing, since that 2017 blizzard ended up being part of a Nor'Easter).
Also - I'm working on relocating from New Jersey to Nevada, and (possibly - crossing my fingers) starting a managerial position in a new job soon. (I just submitted a post-interview survey today, so they'll make a hiring decision next week)
By the way - even locals have told me, "Move away. Nothing ever happens here." They're 1,000% correct.

Also - a lot has changed since I wrote my posts. Mostly negative, with very few positives, but I've been keeping my head down and focusing on genealogical research (when I made the old posts, that was 8 months ago or so, and I was in a completely different situation in life).
But long story short - I am also in a new relationship, so I'm just hopeful for the future, is all.
And my 28th birthday was last month (just another day).
However, I am a lot more optimistic since I first posted, which - I suppose - is a small step.
Can you see a therapist? Also just concentrate on self improvement, and getting a license, used car, etc. Focus on the positive.
True. Also the desperation of "I cannot be or stay single! I MUST get married!" is putting too many unrealistic expectations on other people, and is a turn off to many people.

If you meet someone and decide to eventually marry, great, but it will not be instant and you will have to know each other in person long before you ever decide to do this, if you do.

People who want fast marriage or an instant relationship are full of issues they refuse to get help for and have lots of red flags. OP, stay single, enjoy life, focus on self improvement, see a therapist or counselor, learn to drive, etc.
You can speak for yourself on this matter, but should resist the temptation to include others. The pressure you perceive to be married may place unrealistic expectations on you and may be a turn-off to you, but not to others. Some people do, indeed, fall in love in an instant and enjoy long, fulfilling marriages even though you have not experienced it. Lastly, I know quite a number of couples who married quickly and have not experienced any more issues than other couples, living loving, secure, committed married lives. It is possible these people possess something you lack, so there is no reason to believe others will experience your problems with seeking commitment.