I Will Admit...


cant be stuffed looking for a thread spefcific indigebous itis

gappy ymdigeous day is not appyo[riaye huh

muh brloved australia huh

shamer/v3ery sad

human criminality again

truth/ibfooreality huh/duh
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FEMA: Work

happy wth puogtrss thus fai
conratukatons poprlace hor positive move's
long may it contiue

be a hre foibkes no dount
nut greay sart

desrve's an elder spohed[erson ti6tle
like mandeka did
hatingon green elly/fritv and cream
troo fn aed sweet

asdbqadasysa's katest cult/pdioys
shaed headds/not botherng mentioing other/childish act geeeesh

know wonder some
never grow up

An Urgent Prophetic Call To All The Christians In Our World Today


A message to all the Christians of the world

am sure
there's still many negative p4erson's in our wold

very sad/but likely true
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undetrmining national security ffs
all in the same waka/indigenus kiwi boat

fn fear bs

trds under brd crap

all.every country,mand authorative bs lader's damn goilty
kkiol kill kill asshole'ss