If You Were A Man How Would You Go About To Attract A Woman?

It seems many men (myself included lol) sometimes have a hard time attracting a woman or even worse; failing to read a ladies hints of interest.
Men find it difficult to understand women, but the same apply in the opposite direction.

I can only talk for myself. What attracts me to a man? I think the main thing is when he shows interest in me. When he looks at me, listens to me, is curious about me. All of that without a creepy vibe, of course.

The thing about confidence, well if I really think of it, I'm not that attracted to it. I mean, it isn't that important to me to be with a person like that. I used to think it was, but I was wrong.

I'm into the "nice guy" type of man, that so many people seem to dislike.

I just like men. With two exceptions: machos and stand up comedians.
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I'm into the "nice guy" type of man, that so many people seem to dislike.

I don't think people/women dislike "nice guys" at all. I think that when people say that, they aren't really talking about "nice." Nice means kind and considerate, and I think most women see this as a positive quality. But when people say women don't like "nice guys", I think they're using "nice" as a code word to describe a guy who is not confident or assertive, and waits for the woman to give all the signs and take the initiative. That has nothing to do with being nice though. I like nice guys. But I'm attracted to confidence.
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"Nice Guy" targets transactional assholes. Performative humanity/friendship hoping to get sex/attention in return.

Same territory as "friend zone" guys. They are not a friend to any woman. These randos have simply placed themselves in a position they feel might be rewarded with sex.

Avoid those randos at all cost.
"Nice Guy" targets transactional assholes. Performative humanity/friendship hoping to get sex/attention in return.

Sure, guys who aren't really nice but put on an act to get what they want. I think there's another category though. I've heard "nice" guys lamenting that women don't go for guys like them who are nice and respectful. What they mean is women don't go for guys who are passive and lack self-confidence.