he looks like the usual stonner lad with a huge cock, anything on him?
I’m afraid these from his Instagram are all we have for how. He looks great. I guess he just doesn’t wanna be seen as one of those sexualised asmr channels. He’s already delisted all his mouth sounds videos.
At least we’ve got those leaks from last year. :emoji_pray:

wait.....what leaks??? i'm so out of the loop but if anyone has them, kindly send them my way haha..ha
Since people here have been nice and respectful towards me, you can have another peek >.> .. This won't even go on my OF twitter. It's especially for you forum dwellers.

Side note, my OF officially launches next week but there is some simple test content on there already ;) OnlyFans

Any leaks will obviously be met with takedowns and no further posts by me, soooo... Yeah. Let me do the "leaking".
That is one juicy cock, holy shit.