Instead of cheating, why not just leave?

Biology rules. It's not in our genes.

Our species does not instinctually form lifetime or even long term exclusive pair bonds. If we did we'd bond with the first person with whom we mated and never look anywhere else, fantasize anyone else, lust after anyone else or question the choice we made in a partner.

Millions of animal species. A relative handful form lifetime exclusive pair bonds. Not ours.

It's fighting five million years of hominid evolution including at least 300,000 years of human evolution to think and behave otherwise.

Need more evidence? If we instinctually formed exclusive lifetime pair bonds there would be no need for the religious taboo--the death penalty--for any sexual activity outside of a lifetime exclusive pair bond and a heterosexual one at that.

Give up the myths--religious, romantic, cultural and social--which bind you to this illusion. Accept this of yourself and of other human beings. It's who and what we are. Broken family? You can choose to love them anyway or always be bitter about it. What's your pleasure? Which is easier? :heart:
This is such bullshit. Hopefully you stay single for the rest of your life dude and hopefully anyone who wants monogamy stays far away. People like you will justify anything.
This is such bullshit. Hopefully you stay single for the rest of your life dude and hopefully anyone who wants monogamy stays far away. People like you will justify anything.

Thanks. I intend to stay single for the rest of my life and will continue to enjoy hooking up with those who have liberated themselves from the artificial constraints of monogamy.
Moralizing at a porn site. You're just a paragon of virtue.
I'm not moralizing at all. You don't know me like that. But I do know when someone is full of shit and a very small minded black and white thinker. To you Monogamy= seeking perfection which is bullshit its called honoring your word. Not merely making a "mistake" To you calling out your bullshit = moralizing but in reality its calling a spade a spade. And I'm not the type to mince words. I'm also not religious so don't assume any morals here.
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Some people do cheat and forget about it
And separate sex from love! So why would hou break up for something you can overcome! Cheating isn t the end!
Some people just don't want to be in romantic relationships. Of course, they should be upfront about it. I think society normalizes marriage as a goal and shames those who do not want that sort of relationship. Same with sexual relationships. People bitch and complain when they find asexuals. What do you mean you don't want sex?
Because it's not overcomeable.

It is for me. They cheat, I'm done, and they are permanently deleted from my life. I will, no joke, become uncontactable and unfindable.
Each person is different and eaxh story is also
I did cheat once and we overcame it and we are good!
I regret itand we worked on trust and we are good
Cheating isn t the end
One night stand is different from maintaining a romance
Because it's not overcomeable.

It is for me. They cheat, I'm done, and they are permanently deleted from my life. I will, no joke, become uncontactable and unfindable.
It can be if, both people want to overcome it. Anyway it goes it is life changing. I went in the other direction. I actually brought my wife closer. When our son turn 18 and left for the NAVY. She went outside the marriage. But, in the end she rejected the other person. It became a part of us, we learned a lot about ourselves. That no matter what comes are way.... we can overcome. That was about 18 years ago, now working on 42 years. Thanks man for sharing and allowing me to share the other side.