I've said this before and it still holds – wherever naked men gather, sex will end up happening. You can say it
shouldn't happen as much as you want, it's
going to happen regardless, and that will be true until this species no longer exists. If it was happening then, I have no doubt it is happening now.
I go there to work out. If someone were to proposition me in a gym, I would convince him to text his dirty thoughts to me. Then, I would report him. Why, some of you must think? Few care to witness this. Who knows what else may be in those bodily fluids. That is the reason why I would report him.
Do you honestly think the men who do such things are not aware that they are putting themselves at risk? People can tell when the situation is amenable and when it is not, and the vast vast
vast majority would never dream of doing such things when children are present, or anyone who doesn't want to see it. We can actually tell the difference, and 99% of the time we wouldn't do anything unless we know without a shadow of a doubt that it's safe to do so.
We've spent every day of our lives making that calculation – is this the day I get murdered or imprisoned just for being who I am? How much risk am I willing to take? But that battles against all men's natural instinct to get their end away, and you already know how far
all men – gay straight or otherwise – will go for that.
Why do you think so many people in these threads, every time they come up, say "I've never seen such things, I think it's all a fantasy that never happens in real life?" It's because the men who do it
know how to hide it from those who don't want to see.
I never felt the need to use a gym as a bathhouse. In the past, I have reported people, much to their own embarrassment and humiliation. Why should I be inconvenienced by their lust and sexual repression? The married ones needed to come out of the closet. All needed to find another place to do that.
So even while acknowledging that married-but-closeted men are a thing that happens, and presumably with some vague understanding of
why those men might be in that situation and that they
have no other place to connect with other men and get something that is vital to their continued existence, you still go ahead and embarrass, humiliate and most likely ruin their lives just because of your
inconvenience? You who have never had to face such choices should hesitate before ruining someone's life.
Oh, well, I guess that means it was worth it, huh? What a consolation for you!
Jesus fucking
christ. How dare you? How dare you sneer down your nose at this man who already said this was decades ago, told you it was his first experience of meeting other gay people and of making friends, who has held good memories even despite the bad things that happened, while you piss on his memories of his friends as if he's not already aware of everything you said? The sheer