Jackpackage71 Onlyfans

cant believe how gullible u guys r? If either of them were into guys, there would be sex videos. They are both super hot but cant find a guy to have sex? There are plenty in Calgary (its the 3rs largest city in Canada). And they wont have actual sex with each other because the are friends so it would be awkward but not too awkward to jack each other off? The Rocky guy has plenty of b/g vids that he tries to sell you in IMs but (no b/b). Whats the purpose of advertising yourself as bi to get OF subs if there isn't any gay sex vids?

maybe im too jaded but smells like typical OF gaybaiting. Their actual sexuality is ultimately irrelevant - if there content is just solo vids and awkward handjobs, that doesn't do much for me but to each their own...
pretty much. it's surprising how many gays are so deluded so many years into their queer life not to spot a straight trying to fool them.