Hey everyone, Jax has gf, so keep that in mind when interacting with him… he’s only interested in the gays to bait them for money like most of these content creator, just want folks to be on notice when he posts that he’s single.
lol I don’t give that very long based on the past ones…
Umm, I just came here concerned because I saw he has a dog. On no planet should Jackson ever be responsible for the welfare of another living mammal.
I feel sorry for the dog. I feel like it’s just property to look cool and not a companion. Also what happened to his hairless cat? I hope he didn’t give it away…
1200$ live and he jacked off for less then 30seconds. Told people he was gonna stroke it. Implied he would finish. And then told people to message him if they wanted the video of him cumming after the live
Haha, Co Co, I left it early cause I knew he would scam, and out of curiosity I came back on right at the moment you described… we gotta stop giving him chances. He doesn’t care about anyone that supports him, he’s all about the cash grab and gay baiting.