You have made very great points… However when you have a manipulator who has a stronger mental, and stronger pockets quite frankly, as a end result abuses such power, and doesn’t truly care about a person… Rather you accept the decision willingly or not, that person used persuasive tactics which is in fact called grooming. And to answer your question about the women… Yes that’s what that is called.
but it’s truly what goes on behind this scenes, which is a an example: Ace telling James he can link him with XYZ production company if he allows him to film him receiving oral but from the waist down. Or again like I said Robbie Nelson waiting at the Orange line stations are offering to hire them, but creating a casting couch at his house, which is a decision one would have to make yes, but a decision that was due to persuasion, Especially if/when you are asked if you are struggling on bills, and what are your dreams