He is a sex worker, and most male sex workers engage with guys. That’s where the money is. It doesn’t matter how “straight” or “straight presenting” they are or that they only do hetero porn. Quite a few porn performers on the hetero side have talked about how common homo/bi behaviors are when it comes to dudes in “straight porn” and how some of those guys even low-key have boyfriends and shit. It’s time for these dudes to stop trying so hard to shield the obvious.
I don’t really feel comfortable speaking on the actual dimensions of his sexuality. None of us know that. But a lot of these dudes think because they get hard quicker for a certain sex or that they can more easily engage in activities with a certain sex that that defines their “sexuality”. They don’t want to deal with or be real about all the dimensions of sexuality, fluidity, preferences, paraphiliacs, the gender, sexual, affection, affirmation, romantic, emotion, commitment spectrum. That’s especially the case for dudes who want to maintain a “straight” image.