Japanese video: hunk ch and mrrushtv

Yes. It's Athletic Office Worker (体育会系出身の社会人). Clip is from [AN-00171] [otoko de アラカルト]【第十六弾】~パンツスカウト編No.7~ラグビーで鍛えたマッチョボディのさわやかイケメン悶絶発射!!
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I'm not sure if this one has been ninja'd & freely available around the internet tho. Probably at some K-sites.
I had someone worship me exactly like this and it was hot
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Reactions: BellatrixPatricia57
Anyone know a site that has older jgvs from like the early 2000's or even older? Something about that era is so hot to me.
I hope イケメン Twink will get his own series :) or at least has a scene with Asuka/Hongo
he is indeed a イケメン lol
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*Title is POWER GRIP 219 & the code is COPGDV219 / COAT1786
I was only supposed to check that guy out, but I found another CUTIE from the same movie! This one is so handsome:
