JOCKS WEAR JOCKS! (jock straps)

if it is on a body with no more body fat than his, he might have needed a cup on a precious endeavor, looks like some swelling that might need to get checked out...…………..or hes padding it

Naw, that's how mine looks too. It just looks like that because we're skinny lol
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My go to for most swimming and water stuff is a ShockDr core supporter without cup pocket, I think its style 216 for a single pack and 226 for a twin pack. It was recommended to me by a much younger friend who used to be on here and I have been keeping it handy in my swim stuff for a couple years. Never stretched out, dries faster than others I have, waist it less than 2 inches and is the same waist as they use on a lot of their compression shorts so if others noticing you are wearing a jock bother you, this isn't as blatant as some others to announce that in a family environment if that is an issue to you. Plus the chlorine doesn't seem to have done any damage to it other than maybe lightened the waist over 2 plus years of use. Not sure if they are available at a store near you or you would need to order. This is more of a hold everything in position type jock than a grip-snug-control bounce kind of jock.

I have known a couple other guys who took it upon themselves to go to a jock for swim underwear and made their choice based more on availability and bought the Mcdavid swim/run supporter. Its industrial enough, holds up well, supports decent. Waist is thin an not real obvious if it shows above your shorts, white with a black stripe, pretty tame.

I have a SafeTgard swim jock I have had since college and it still does good and is comfortable, just much more faded than the original deep navy color it was, probably not readily available at a store near you.

I have a few old Bike swim jocks that are literally 15 plus years old, love them but as they became less available I quit letting them be my go to jocks for fear of totally wearing them out.

I have a Duke that has been around since high school and it is all but thread bare but will still do its job and I love the fit and feel, its great.
I have had McDavid swim jock for under speedo swimmeets. Fit is great. Small tight pouch and very slim waistband. Makes it very discreet for small suits and great for larger styles too / prevents flopping around if you don't want that and you wont really know its on.
I can't agree with you more about that. I am a nudist father. Yes, I do wear a jockstrap a lot for underwear, but if you saw what I have, you would too. I am raising my son(adopted) as a nudist as well. He had a propensity to be in just his briefs or less while in foster care and that drove a lot of the foster parents crazy. It was a friend of a friend of a friend who asked me about taking him in.
Long story short(no pun) we are both fine together. I keep stressing the issue about body acceptance but not to be worried or offended either. There is nothing wrong with being naked. Well, try that in public schools. What is worse, this year, they are making boys, 12 and up, wear jockstraps again. OK. But, everyone is complaining about having to be totally nude in a room with other boys, so many of them refuse. Now what?
I am with you. there needs to be a place where males can be males. Come in, strip down and relax with little or nothing on. Swim, work out, sauna, hot tub, run, whatever. Because of the size of my package, I would make an exception and allow a jockstrap in the pool. I have lemon size balls and a fat 4.5 flaccid penis. When it moves too and fro, it isn't comfortable, hence me wearing a jockstrap as underwear.
This is a good thing, your idea. Men should be able to be comfortable naked. They should be able to show this to their sons too. Nothing wrong with fathers and sons swimming nude. Seeing adults nude is a good thing for them too, as they will see what will be happening to them as puberty hits. When it comes to my son, I am an open book and answer all of his questions, even the embarrassing ones about erections and such.
So far, my son is one of the very few, even at 12, who isn't afraid to be naked, wear a jockstrap, or shower in an open room with other guys. I like to thing that this was part of his upbringing and seeing me nude and being comfortable himself.
Take care,

Thanks for being what sounds like a great foster dad and bringing up your son the right way. I wish more fathers would be open about things with their sons. This world would be much better!
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