Whoa - that was hot…. I think I found a new hobby, watching wrestling instructional videos. lol
Right? This is about the hottest fuckin homoerotic film out there.
I even used this video as a basis for a scene in my story here at lpsg about a Native American college freshman.
The story is really about a freshman's experience with dorm and Westling team. It's not pornographic tho I guess you could say it's erotic... sorta. It's really more about guy to guy relationships. I'm very proud of it.
Here's where it starts:
Native American first exposure to college wrestling
In the middle of the story, the man character helping the coach demonstrate a move, based on this same video from youtube. However, a certain amount of personal drama (and trauma) emerges that takes the "lesson" into a different area.
I'm promoting myself here, I know, but I really do think this story is good.
Here's the coach demo excerpt:
The wrestlers were devoted to him because he was devoted to them. He would stay late if needed and he seemed to know everything about the guys’ private lives. The joke was that he had an extensive spy network on campus and so knew who was failing class, who had girlfriend problems, and so forth. Such was the trust between him and his wrestlers that, though they were surprised when he might ask them a personal question, they never saw it an as intrusion; it was more like a father keeping an eye on his son.
“Ok, men,” he said as he called them together. “I’m going to re-demonstrate the Inside or Step-Thru Turk. I need a volunteerokaythanksSkye.” He said this last phrase so rapidly that Skye was startled. He looked at Kirk who smiled and simply gestured with his head toward the Coach. It was clear that this was Coach’s way of assigning a demo partner rather than actually asking for a volunteer.
The group encouraged him, which assuaged Skye’s nerves slightly, and he rose and walked to Coach. His frat wrestling shirt and shirts were already damp with sweat, and his jock was soaked.
“Okay, Skye. Lie down on your stomach. I’m gonna get on top and we’ll see what happens when I hook my legs through yours to make this easier. You guys watch. Some of you are trying to turn the upper body to get the pin, but watch this.” Coach lay chest-to-back on Skye and hooked his legs through Skye’s and with one deft movement twisted, and before he knew it, Skye was on his back with Coach on his chest to chest. “See? I did this by twisting my lower legs and I didn’t even need to touch his upper back and…”
Skye’s perception of the entire situation dimmed. He felt Coach’s powerful torso resting on his, and he knew that the arm wrapped around his neck meant that if Coach wanted to, he could have pinned Skye in an inescapable position with the slightest movement. Coach’s face was an inch or so from his, but it was turned to address the team.The whole scene seemed like a silent movie viewed from a mile away. He felt Coach’s heart beat and felt his powerful leg muscled intertwined with his; even their pelvises were in contact. All that was to be expected, Skye thought, although “thought” was perhaps not the right word. It just seemed familiar enough.
The next moment, though, his entire world was undone.