Joey Birlem

Someday soon everybody WILL stop buying his content because they will properly cotton onto the FACT that every single content is “innuendo” mania with nothing to be shown. When this would happen .. this will show Joey that we all are serious about not continuing to buy his content and the fact his content is has been overall crap.

then it is up to him whether he ups his OF content game. Or decides it’s not for him and chooses another career path.

would be a shame if he doesn’t end up upping his OF game. I had a feeling that he would be wanting to make a big part of his living and fortune on OF.

But, soon ish will be a tester for him to see if he will ever up his OF content in order to re-gain his following and support base. Otherwise it will be endgame for him. Sadly.
Unfortunately, upping his game will be the absolute last resort to his financial survival.
I keep holding on for some miracle that he’ll actually post a single nude of him completely naked with maybe a semi, but it’s not happening.
At absolute best, we’ll get some sort of result when he’s in his late thirties with no prospects and no instagram fans to tease. He’s playing the long game in the hopes giving nothing rewards him with everything. No matter how good looking he is, he’ll realise there are hundreds of other guys relatively close to him aesthetically, showing way more for way less, and just continue trying to find get-rich-quick schemes to pull over his base.

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not sure about anyone else, but he looks tired as fuck here. Dark rings around his eyes..he looks haggard.
thankfully he has a good body, because that face seems to be falling behind.
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Did he just take the same pic upside down and he's selling them as different pics?:joy:
I really hope these were sold in a single post. Otherwise, not saying it wasn't time already, but people really need to stop buying this shit level content
Does anyone actually receive custom content from him without being vip? Whenever I ask for content all he says is to join his ridiculously priced vip.
I don't think you would get anything of interest with what he will offer as custom content. I haven't bought his vip, but from what I've seen on this thread, it's not worth it.
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Let's face it, he won't. He barely made any effort and this once dead thread is alive again. He's going to do just enough to get people buying again as hopes get renewed, but continue with the same crap. Unless purchases drop to 0, no chance in seeing it all.
Or he is smart as he knows nudes will leak.
There’s nothing smart about not wanting your content leaking. Leaks are the reason your OF does so well. If someone tried to sell him on preventing leaks they were really trying to cap his growth. Pretty sure I’m not alone in waiting on decent leaks before actually subbing and then purchasing decently priced quality content…and then going broke lmao