Johny rasputin the white massive monster cock

I'd rather light a candle than curse his darkness. As mentioned before, the XL dudes in the biz are falling like flies. I think there could be a small argument made for that dynamic being more a symptom of a sociological attack on masculinity -- but alas, I digress.

I do agree with you though. Not to denigrate a new comer who I hope will have a 'lengthy' career. His chernobyl sized proportions seemed to uphold characteristics of excessive pumping. It was oddly noticeable how he was pounding her, yet, his penis wasn't moving at all. His body was rocking up and down, yet his penis didn't give an inch. Completely bizarre. I'm no expert, but that may be a symptom of pumping. Moments of it just hanging there alone looks like it's been pumped to extremes.

that all said, I hope he works every day and lots of girls work with him. It's kind of funny to see the one two punch of their horrific reactions to his face... and then his schlong. Although, I'm not quite sure which they are frightened of more...? ;)

Aside from this dudes appearance, his cock is like a harmonica. You dont see it going in or out. The outer layer of his cock never enters the pussy. Quite a turnoff.
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Vlad is not pumped. So uninformed. And which particular Xl dudes are falling like flies? And since when is Chernobyl a metaphor for size.
pearls before swine. i usually dont indulge ignorance in online porn forums; it would be a full time job.

re the XL stars -- simply read above, if you can.

humans and animals that are exposed to excessive radiation may suffer defects that are large and deformed -- much like Rasputin's penis. In addition to that obvious comparison, there is a long list of all the comic book superheroes who are exposed to radiation and then gain superhuman abilities -- its a common trope and cliche. Google it, zeke. then you can return to your mother's basement. :)

Vlad is not pumped. So uninformed. And which particular Xl dudes are falling like flies? And since when is Chernobyl a metaphor for size.
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Vlad is not pumped. So uninformed. And which particular Xl dudes are falling like flies? And since when is Chernobyl a metaphor for size.
He obviously is pumped
The outer layer on his cock seems somewhat soft, while in the middle it seems to be quite hard. This is something which happens with pumpers. Normally it is more distinct and also can see the inner part getting soft. His cock doesn't seem to work this way, so this would be a reason against it.
I say no, but not definitively, he is no pumper.
I don't think his cock is actually compressing like an accordion. He's just so thick that friction prevents it from sliding in and out in a normal way. He has enough "extra skin" that's loose enough so we just see the outer skin of his cock staying stationary while the internal bulk underneath moves and "penetrates" as much as it can. It's difficult to explain but I have had the same thing happen at 6-7" girth. The 6" fore-end slides in but once it approaches 7" toward the base, there's too much friction. He just needs to be with a girl with a big enough pussy and enough lubrication. He was able to penetrate more normally in his previous video with Naudi Nala, but it was still a very tight fit.

Whether or not his size is a result of pumping, I think by now it should be quite clear that there is a definite case for Bangbros' "biggest dick in porn" claim. There is really no one else who has ever compared to Vlad in terms of both length and girth combined. A truly unhuman cock. My guess is that Vlad is an actual space alien who has come to this planet to sample our human women, which would also help explain his odd appearance and complete lack of social skills. There's the plot for your next Vlad scene, Bangbros. You're welcome! :p
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Not to denigrate a new comer who I hope will have a 'lengthy' career.
Agreed, have to root for the home team. I feel like we raised this guy. You got to see him floating around here as a weird-ass free agent trying to find work and bouncing back and fourth from his homeland, then you got to actually see him get picked up. I know we've had porn personalities (or their PR people) in here before, but there was something more real about that guy. I also feel like he worked a bit harder to get where he is than most.
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He may pump, but not as intensely as to be the main reason behind his abnormal cock. I mean, he is obviously huge naturally and pumping may have added some extra size, but that's all. There's no way someone with a 20cm cock can reach Vlad's size just by pumping. He was born with an enormous cock and thats out of the question.

However, all his performances look terrible to me even though I am heavily into huge cocks. It is not because of his creepyness (actually I like ugly guys, no matter how crazy that may sound) but he is sooooo boring, so extremely boring and disaffected. Maybe he should look for an expecific subgenre where he feels comfortable, a porn niche where he can shine... But as a Bang Bus performer... I don't know. He is more like a mennequin with a monstercock, a furniture in the set, a living dildo. Frustrating. But with that cock, we may expect some surprises in his career, if he's clever enough to find his right place in the business.
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Shane is essentially retired considering regular porn customers haven’t been able to watch him in many years. Shorty Mac has long since retired. Jack Napier medically retired, Julio is in jail, and Sledgehammer and Billy glide are dead. I’m sure I’m missing someone...

why would any of these guy retire? they are having sex with all kinds of different women, getting paid for it and its not really a job. its sex for business. why would you retire if you dont really work but do normal thing people usually do and get paid too? i understand the jail and medical problems, but not the just retiring thing.
My guess is that Vlad is an actual space alien who has come to this planet to sample our human women, which would also help explain his odd appearance and complete lack of social skills. There's the plot for your next Vlad scene, Bangbros. You're welcome! :p
This recent talk of Tony Duncan has made me realize they're similar in a lot of ways. Somebody described Duncan as an "Urkel on steroids" or something. Maybe they could recruit and incorporate him as well and have a bad dick alien trying to destroy the planet and a good one trying to save it.