Johny rasputin the white massive monster cock

That really was a disappointing scene. He seemed to be having erection problems and her overacting was really bad. Just an all around uncomfortable scene.
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I didn't read all of this thread so apologies if this has been mentioned, but he also cams under the name
Harry Hungwell: The "Mystery Russian" aka Hawks200017 has given himself the name of "John Rasputin" click link below video for his Twitter page
I remember a pictorial- no video- of something called “Russian Monster Cock Party” and the guy with the really big cock turns out to have been him.
His cock was always huge, but it looks like he had something “done” to it because it’s ridiculous now.
Also has he been sick- or is he really old? Those pics look like their from the 90s.
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I didn't read all of this thread so apologies if this has been mentioned, but he also cams under the name
Harry Hungwell: The "Mystery Russian" aka Hawks200017 has given himself the name of "John Rasputin" click link below video for his Twitter page
I have seen that scene before, did not know Vlad took a part in it
Nsgb 2
Nsgb 1
Girl is hot, i would like to find video !
I remember a pictorial- no video- of something called “Russian Monster Cock Party” and the guy with the really big cock turns out to have been him.
His cock was always huge, but it looks like he had something “done” to it because it’s ridiculous now.
Also has he been sick- or is he really old? Those pics look like their from the 90s.

Agree, something has been done to his dick. In regard to aging, vlad is a devout vegan, this is why he is so skinny. Now i have heard things about vegans aging quickly but also the reverse that they do not age quickly, not interested in debating that but he is ultra skinny because of his vegan lifestyle.
Agree, something has been done to his dick. In regard to aging, vlad is a devout vegan, this is why he is so skinny. Now i have heard things about vegans aging quickly but also the reverse that they do not age quickly, not interested in debating that but he is ultra skinny because of his vegan lifestyle.
He was very muscular in those older pics and however huge his cock always was , it’s fairly ridiculous now.
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I think Vlad is likely at least as large as Dredd, perhaps even larger. We've seen 6'2" Vlad with 4'11" Kiki and we've seen 6'5" Dredd with 4'9" Piper. I'm not sure how Kiki's weight compares to Piper's 81 lbs but I suspect she's significantly thicker. Here are the couples standing next to each other (photos leveled to approximate the height differences).

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As you can see, Piper is shorter and thinner than Kiki while Dredd is a bitter taller and heavier then Vlad. Dredd is hanging here giving the impression of a larger penis, but let's take another look. First from the side.

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I resized these images to make their cocks roughly the same size. As you can see, the photo with Dredd and Piper is closer to the camera considering Piper's head and upper body appear slightly larger than Kik's (who is actually the bigger girl). Here's another shot from the side.

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Images were resized to approximate the differences in Kiki and Piper's frames. Here, Dredd looks to have a bit more length than Vlad, but at least part of this is due to Piper's lack of ass blocking his cock, LOL. As you can see, Vlad looks significantly thicker from the side. Now for another angle.

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Here, Vlad looks at least as thick as Dredd. Probably thicker considering how their cocks compare to the girls' respective frames. So Vlad is thicker both width and depth-wise, and possibly just as long. Now for the final shot that I think makes it quite clear who is bigger.

View attachment 1317737

Piper's forearm is surely shorter and thinner than Kiki's and here (adjusting for the slightly different poses), Vlad looks at least as long as Dredd and, once again, significantly thicker.

So there we have it. But there's a twist! Judging from some of these old photos of Vlad with hair, his cock seems to have grown quite a bit in size, especially in terms of thickness. So I suspect he's had some kind of work done. But then I've heard the same accusation about Dredd as well. That said, I think this should definitely silence the naysayers.

FACT: Vlad has one of the largest cocks ever seen in porn... and certainly the largest WHITE one!

Larger than this guy ?


Vlad clearly has some liver damage that causes his skin to look yellow. Probably a life of drinking led to that, or he might have gotten Hepatitis from the amount of sex he was having being a gay escort. Him being a gay escort explains why he has to close his eyes when a girl is blowing him cause he has to imagine it's a guy.