people like the ones we’ve seen questioning his bisexuality will never be satisfied. they’re so wrapped up in their biphobic world or their creepy fantasies about josh and other celebrities that they can’t accept what isn’t their business in the first place to even question. i’d say just ignore these people, don’t feed the trolls
people like the ones we’ve seen questioning his bisexuality will never be satisfied. they’re so wrapped up in their biphobic world or their creepy fantasies about josh and other celebrities that they can’t accept what isn’t their business in the first place to even question. i’d say just ignore these people, don’t feed the trolls
you summarized exactly what I’ve been saying like seriously he doesn’t need to give you proof he is bisexual
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RIDICULOUS. There is more gay bisexual & there is more straight bisexual. Deal with it. His bisexuality could be on the more straight side where he'll chose to end up with a girl over a guy for the long haul. I fall on the more gay side of my bisexuality than straight :p
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