So is he saying he is gay not bi? lol
that seems to be what the audio is implying.
maybe he's one of those guys that came out as bi because he thought he was into women and then realized he's not into women in the same way he's into men, so he thinks he might not actually be bi but full on gay
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To me it seemed to imply that he sometimes wonders whether he's not just gay or straight after all. I wouldn't take it as a coming out of either though, it just seems like a bisexual meme.
it's 100% a bisexual meme. but what the audio seems to be saying is that the person is questioning whether they're really bi or if they're actually gay because their limited experience leads them to think their attraction to the opposite gender is the same as their attraction to the same gender, but when they really think about it they're more into the same gender than the opposite.
i think it might just be the case he's a bisexual with a preference for men. or maybe one day he'll come out as fully gay. it's not like it's uncommon for gay men to come out as bi and then later come out as gay
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it's 100% a bisexual meme. but what the audio seems to be saying is that the person is questioning whether they're really bi or if they're actually gay because their limited experience leads them to think their attraction to the opposite gender is the same as their attraction to the same gender, but when they really think about it they're more into the same gender than the opposite.
i think it might just be the case he's a bisexual with a preference for men. or maybe one day he'll come out as fully gay. it's not like it's uncommon for gay men to come out as bi and then later come out as gay
It does say all that, but it's also saying the opposite, that because of their limited experience they don't really know whether their attraction for the same sex is valid. They don't have much to compare it to, so they wonder whether they're just lying to themselves and actually are straight. Saying that they're bi just for the attention, as the video says, even though they were obviously already bi before they came out to anyone.
Idk maybe I'm reading it wrong but it doesn't seem to favor one or the other to me, just a bisexual person wondering wait maybe I am straight and wait maybe I am gay.
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Maybe it’s just a meme about how bisexuality is so big as it has this really big spectrum that confuses everyone to the point of saying bisexuality is not a real thing at all when it actually is, but then people that are bi get bullied both by straight people and lgbt people to the point they start to doubt themselves too