Kegan Keller/y0ungblood19

Forgetting the children for a moment, I guess I’m just an old prude, but I don’t find sex in public places to be anything other than inappropriate.

You want to do it in the wilderness? Knock yourself out. But when you are in the McDonalds parking lot, keep it in your pants. Believe it or not, not everyone wants to see your oral capacity lol
That’s still weird, doing it in a public place like this there’s bound to be children that walk pass, esp outside of target. If you’re gonna do public play like this, it should be in or around bars at night or something, in places where children aernt allowed or most likely not gonna be.
guess we should lock up the parents of all kids that walked in on them having sex bc if there's something more traumatizing than seeing a random couple fuck (which didn't even happen here) it's seeing your dad pound your mom from behind.
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guess we should lock up the parents of all kids that walked in on them having sex bc if there's something more traumatizing than seeing a random couple fuck (which didn't even happen here) it's seeing your dad pound your mom from behind.
false equivalence
Why is his dick soft in so many of his sex videos? I thought he might be one of those straights operating queerbaiting psyop until I read all this tea on his relationship drama.

He should honestly just get on cialis or viagra…
Probably because they are high and drunk! Got a bad case of whiskey dick!
Wow, that is psychotic. I got a funny feeling even watching his porn that he wasn't right in the head. That scary zoned out expression he sometimes gets...

If a black person assaulted someone with a weapon like that they'd get YEARS in jail.
Tony is so sexy but I just wish he could keep his dick hard while topping. It’s such a beautiful dick but it looks like he’s trying to fuck with a piece of boiled spaghetti.
welcome to the forum Blanche, love ur name! ;)