Kevin mcdermott exhibition

Thanks a lot for sharing & God bless ya.

Waiting for Todd's now. Anyone kindly enuff to share early Xmas gift?
I would like to know if Taylor J. Phillips went full frontal- it would be a reason for me to buy the book.
Pretty sure he did. I don’t have any proof yet but I’ve heard through the grapevine that he did and wasn’t happy that his image was used since it showed him head to toe nude.
Why did he agree to a frontal shot if he didn’t want it in the book?
Why did he agree to a frontal shot if he didn’t want it in the book?
I assume it’s cause he didn’t shoot for the book itself. Isn’t the book just a collection of images Kevin has taken through the years. I don’t think all the shots were produced and shot exclusively for the book itself.
That’s understandable.

Maybe Taylor shouldn’t have shot frontal in the first place then. HOWEVER, Kevin should have asked before the book was produced.
Taylor Phillips sadly does not have a full nude in the book, certainly not a full frontal with his face. I bought the book because someone mistakenly told me he did have a shot like that.

There is a rear nude of him on the back cover, which has shown up online a few times, on his own and the photographer's Instagram. It's a very artsy pose, where he's contorted to show off his musculature, which looks like a patchwork of shadows due to the dramatic lighting. He looks almost like a piece of modern art. It's an interesting photo, but not especially a great view of his stunning body.

The only other photo of him in the book is a shot of him on the final page, sitting on a chair, indian style. He could very well be nude in it, but it's impossible to tell, his hands are in his lap and they and his legs obscure anything, all you see his is chest and his calves.

I can say with certainty these are the only two photos of him, because there's an index at the back of the book.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but there's a lot of misinformation circulating, it seems, about him having all sorts of nudes in this book.
I'm not sure it's wise to post links here, but if you go to the photographer's Instagram, you can see Taylor holding up the back cover of the book in a post from September 5.
I just noticed, he posted the other photo, of Taylor on the chair, on Instagram on April 25, so you can see both of them there.
I'm guessing these pictures are not from the book since all of them have watermarks. Does Kevin have an OnlyFans or something like that?

Also, is there an actual FULL FRONTAL of him in the book?
Are these from the book?

None of those are in the book, though a couple are from the same sessions as shots in the book. There are some stunning shots of him in the book, including multiple frontals.

It's a gorgeous book, definitely worth picking up if you can afford it. I hope my info about no Taylor frontals didn't come across as me suggesting the book is not worth buying, it's filled with beautiful guys, beautifully captured.