Kit Connor

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His career seems to be blowing up at the minute - wonder if he will return for season 2 and 3?
It would be a mistake not to return for 2 and 3

there would be no season 2 or 3 without Kit.

His birthday is in March so its only been 3 months
You know, I knew that just blanked on the timing.
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His career seems to be blowing up at the minute - wonder if he will return for season 2 and 3?

The alternative offer would need to be really significant to back-out of a highly rated Netflix series, and I don’t think he’s at that stage of his career yet.

Still, the risk of him being tempted by other opportunities is a good argument for back-to-backing the filming of series 2 and 3.
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im still confused why some ppl mentioned about some kinda his dick or the deleted photos from a show.
The site is full of wishful people hoping for more than what been posted. Content from the show gets deleted for a couple reasons, both kit and Joe were underage while filming and the characters themselves are minors
I know it's a bore to say this, but I'm almost convinced he's straight, and it's depressing that they cast a straight man as the sporty, good-looking love interest. Not exactly progressive casting.
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The site is full of wishful people hoping for more than what been posted. Content from the show gets deleted for a couple reasons, both kit and Joe were underage while filming and the characters themselves are minors
i see now. can i know which film where kit showed it?
Here we go again with his sexuality. Can we just bask on Kit being Kit.
Usually, I'd agree. But I saw the press releases saying producers cast the roles authentically. So, why is it acceptable to give this role to a straight actor?
I want to see Kit in a movie where he randomly walks around in his underwear.

I was just watching Top Gun, the original one, and there's plenty of scenes where Cruise was randomly walking around in his underwear. Its so gratuitous it took me OUT lol.
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