Photos & Videos Kurtdövmeli - Bisexual Turkish Hunk

I think he's a free-wheeling bisexual who has sex with anyone he fancies of either gender...
I don't think you understood what I meant,I'm not talking about his sexuality but about the caption of the video,do you really believe that's his neighbor's son and they are hooking up right when his parents are around? Or he just wrote that because it's hot
I don't think you understood what I meant,I'm not talking about his sexuality but about the caption of the video,do you really believe that's his neighbor's son and they are hooking up right when his parents are around? Or he just wrote that because it's hot
Oh. Probably because it's hot... but then again it is a hot thought, and the video makes it look like he is thoroughly enjoying it.

I think he's learnt to understand his audience and portray what they want.
Bu HER aktifi pasif olarak gösterme çabanız ne ve bunu neden aşağılar gibi söylüyorsunuz dbxnxnxnc tamam çok soğuduk aslında pasif diye iyi ki söylediniz
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