Life magazine archives

Don't think these Bobby Hull photos have been shared in this thread, but some may have shown up in the various NHL or locker room threads. Apologies if they're already posted, but I did check.


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Santa Cruz Surfer Dude
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The Naked Gunner from WWII is my favorite photo from this era.


They are called "The Greatest Generation" for a reason.
*desperately wishing there was a frontal version floating around*
More likely, this was a rule of the individual Bath Club you mentioned. There are relatives on my mother's side of the family who are from Georgia. I have seen pictures of them dating back into the early 1930s. A few of those pictures show a lake front scene where two of my uncles were completely naked. One of my aunts who was dressed in a summer dress is also seen in the picture There were also unidentified people in the pictures. Some of those were males who were also naked and some were wearing swimming suits. All of the females shown were either in dresses or one piece swimming attire.
Would be incredible to see the photos you’re talking about. Can you post them?
This photo brings back memories of the Y in Ohio in the 1950s. I learned to swim at the Y and everyone was nude, including the instructors. No one thought anything of it. Sanitary standards were enforced - you had to take a nude shower before entering the pool - and the place was sparkling clean. Up until the mid-70s all Ys and health clubs were all-male, and nudity was common and considered normal.
I’m glad you got to experience those times. Current times most people seem to fear nudity.
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