I'm going to try this again. I've deleted the back and forth from yesterday.
Each of you comes to LPSG for different reasons. For many of you, your reason for coming to LPSG is all that matters to you and you don't care about the site's wellbeing or future. The fallout after yesterday's notice made this very clear. There is a large portion of LPSG members that feel if their reason for coming here no longer exists they are happy for the entire place to burn to the ground. From a physiological level, I understand this. From the point of view as the owner of this site, this is very disappointing. I put everything I have into LPSG. Into the future of LPSG and I care immensely that the LPSG user base is happy. One example of this is the new cam platform we have built for you. In the last year, we've spent a lot of money developing this new Cam system (it will be live in the coming weeks). This was done to make LPSG a more enjoyable place. We do all of this for each of you. Then we make a decision to try to protect LPSG moving forward and I'm met with multiple people telling me to fuck off and hoping the site burns to the ground. That is really nice.
I often wonder why I care if you are happy when many of you would like to see LPSG burn to the ground if you can't get your way.