JANEWAY00, You're my favorite uploader on LPSG but do you realize that the pages on which you upload these countless gifs are nearly impossible to see? I want to see a VIDEO you've uploaded but when I go to those pages, it takes more than 5 minutes for the attachments to load, and some never finish at all. I have fast internet, and good Apple devices, so it's not an issue at my end. I can see all other pages in LPSG except when there are all these HD GIFS (damn them). The trouble is too many GIFS. Why they eat so much time, I don't know, but I can no long go to pages where you've (with good intention I know) loaded all these data-greedy GIFS. God I hate GIFS. Your's are the best video uploads on LPSG, it's a damn shame I can't get to them any more. Why? People don't like GIFS anyway. If there is any way for users to circumambulate this huge disruption of access to your videos, can you inform me? THANKS.