Male versus female sexualization / objectification


Expert Member
Platinum Gold
Apr 18, 2024
hi there, I have a rather complex question but I thought this will be a safe space to ask. In my opinion, I see women are so very much more sexualized and objectified by the society (specifically in western society). Everything related to women whether their party dresses, perfumes, underwear, swimwear..and so on are sexualized but I don't see that for men.. a few examples: you see way more female nudity and sexualization of women than men on tv & movies.. even in men's perfume ads, you see naked women (women would be wearing a bikini, men won't be in briefs)...women's underwear undeniably are more sexualized, you see women's all type of sexy underwear advertisements, bill boards, etc. but I am yet to see any male underwear ads (like men in briefs).. the most they show is men in knee length see women in bikini on beaches, but most men will be in board shorts (not breifs) so, my question is: in today's day and age of gender equality, why is there so much difference between men and women when it comes to sexualization.. i mean if we follow the rule that most men want to see naked women, then i am sure most women would like to see naked men as well... please shed light on this to a guy who is new to the west..
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Ask a complex question and I'll give you a complex answer. :)

Hint: ever wonder why there's a massive beauty industry for women but almost no beauty industry for men?

Hint: ever hear women say there's no such thing as an ugly millionaire?

Answer: males and females of our species do not use the same criteria to objectify each other in the mate selection process.

Females objectify and select males based on their social status. Males objectify and select females based on their looks. This is instinctual behavior in our species. Like all instincts it's driven by an adaptive advantage. That adaptive advantage is reproductive success.

Reproductive success for a human female isn't becoming a mother it's becoming a grandmother. This requires twenty to thirty years of resources. High social status (wealthy) males are best at providing it and are the most attractive to females. The ultimate expression of this instinct is the groupie phenomenon where dozens, hundreds, thousands of women have sex with wealthy superstar males.

Want more proof that reproductive success is becoming grandmothers? Menopause. Until recently we were the only species we knew where females stop ovulating yet live on for years even decades. The adaptive advantage of this is, again, reproductive success. Having raised their own children grandmothers now help raise grandkids maybe even great grandkids. Our remit as a species is to send our DNA into the future. The instinctual drive behind this is massive. We are 8 billion now.

(BTW in the last 10-15 years we've discovered females of several species of toothed whales also menopause and live on for years helping to creche, raise & train the young. Orca females were the first. Beluga, narwal and at least two species of pilot whales have recently been added to the list. No surprise given their highly social nature.)

Now. Males. Reproductive success for a human male is becoming a father--not necessarily a grandfather since males are traditionally more expendable in dangerous occupations including hunting, soldiering, mining, forestry, transportation, construction and other heavy labor.

Human males are instinctually most attracted to female reproductive success. For human females that's a ten year period ending at age 26 and peaking at age 21-22. Data shows this is true for at least six different metrics: lowest miscarriage rate, lowest stillbirth rate, lowest infant mortality rate, lowest birth defect rate, lowest maternal death rate in pregnancy & delivery and, six, lowest rate of other diseases of pregnancy--and all of these without the intervention of modern medicine (obstetrics) which is a recent invention. This data continues to be reaffirmed because millions of women in the world still have little or no access to obstetric medicine during their pregnancies. Sadly.

In short, human males are most attracted to younger women because they are the most successful reproducers. What does the beauty industry do to females of our species? It makes them look young. Smooth skin, high breasts, high butts, flat stomachs, no gray hair? Young women near their reproductive peak have these. Older women do not and may rely increasingly on the beauty/cosmetic industry to maintain a youthful look to remain attractive to men. Women older than 26 can certainly have children but the risk increases with age. Pregnancy at 35+ is considered high risk even with modern medicine.

tl;dr - We are instinctual animals. Our remit is to reproduce. Evolution/adaptation has shaped our behaviors over hundreds of thousands of years. Females of our species objectify males on their social status (wealth) not their looks. Males of our species objectify females on their youthful looks not their social status. Females who have a youthful looks will show it off to attract the best males (of high social status). Males who have high social status will show it off to attract the best females (of youthful looks). Females compete with all other females for the best males. Males compete with all other males for the best females. Even same-sex attracted humans have instinctual attraction to wealth and good looks.

Can you tell I'm a biologist? :cool:
I would go further and say there are forums for male sexual objectification by females, dating apps, or rather the men that tend to be most successful with them tend to be amongst the small sliver that are deemed overtly sexually desirable.
I think the sexual objectification of women is more ubiquitous simply because most men find most women attractive and most women only find a small portion of men attractive..any sexual objectification of men will either be hit or miss because of the fickle demands of the female sexual gaze, or it will be overly revealing as to the narrow definition of male attractiveness, which tends to be unflattering and disadvantageous in social dynamics.
Women objectify men sexually by their wealth not their looks. No beauty industry for men.

Men objectify women sexually by their looks not their wealth. Massive beauty industry for women.

That's why women wear skimpy underwear, swimwear and skin tight clothes.

Males are attracted to the female form. Women are attracted to male wealth. That's why men want to see naked women but women don't want to see naked men.


Your rule that women and men objectify each other by looks is not true.
Ask a complex question and I'll give you a complex answer. :)

Hint: ever wonder why there's a massive beauty industry for women but almost no beauty industry for men?

Hint: ever hear women say there's no such thing as an ugly millionaire?

Answer: males and females of our species do not use the same criteria to objectify each other in the mate selection process.

Females objectify and select males based on their social status. Males objectify and select females based on their looks. This is instinctual behavior in our species. Like all instincts it's driven by an adaptive advantage. That adaptive advantage is reproductive success.

Reproductive success for a human female isn't becoming a mother it's becoming a grandmother. This requires twenty to thirty years of resources. High social status (wealthy) males are best at providing it and are the most attractive to females. The ultimate expression of this instinct is the groupie phenomenon where dozens, hundreds, thousands of women have sex with wealthy superstar males.

Want more proof that reproductive success is becoming grandmothers? Menopause. Until recently we were the only species we knew where females stop ovulating yet live on for years even decades. The adaptive advantage of this is, again, reproductive success. Having raised their own children grandmothers now help raise grandkids maybe even great grandkids. Our remit as a species is to send our DNA into the future. The instinctual drive behind this is massive. We are 8 billion now.

(BTW in the last 10-15 years we've discovered females of several species of toothed whales also menopause and live on for years helping to creche, raise & train the young. Orca females were the first. Beluga, narwal and at least two species of pilot whales have recently been added to the list. No surprise given their highly social nature.)

Now. Males. Reproductive success for a human male is becoming a father--not necessarily a grandfather since males are traditionally more expendable in dangerous occupations including hunting, soldiering, mining, forestry, transportation, construction and other heavy labor.

Human males are instinctually most attracted to female reproductive success. For human females that's a ten year period ending at age 26 and peaking at age 21-22. Data shows this is true for at least six different metrics: lowest miscarriage rate, lowest stillbirth rate, lowest infant mortality rate, lowest birth defect rate, lowest maternal death rate in pregnancy & delivery and, six, lowest rate of other diseases of pregnancy--and all of these without the intervention of modern medicine (obstetrics) which is a recent invention. This data continues to be reaffirmed because millions of women in the world still have little or no access to obstetric medicine during their pregnancies. Sadly.

In short, human males are most attracted to younger women because they are the most successful reproducers. What does the beauty industry do to females of our species? It makes them look young. Smooth skin, high breasts, high butts, flat stomachs, no gray hair? Young women near their reproductive peak have these. Older women do not and may rely increasingly on the beauty/cosmetic industry to maintain a youthful look to remain attractive to men. Women older than 26 can certainly have children but the risk increases with age. Pregnancy at 35+ is considered high risk even with modern medicine.

tl;dr - We are instinctual animals. Our remit is to reproduce. Evolution/adaptation has shaped our behaviors over hundreds of thousands of years. Females of our species objectify males on their social status (wealth) not their looks. Males of our species objectify females on their youthful looks not their social status. Females who have a youthful looks will show it off to attract the best males (of high social status). Males who have high social status will show it off to attract the best females (of youthful looks). Females compete with all other females for the best males. Males compete with all other males for the best females. Even same-sex attracted humans have instinctual attraction to wealth and good looks.

Can you tell I'm a biologist? :cool:
Well said
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Women objectify men sexually by their wealth not their looks. No beauty industry for men.

Men objectify women sexually by their looks not their wealth. Massive beauty industry for women.

That's why women wear skimpy underwear, swimwear and skin tight clothes.

Males are attracted to the female form. Women are attracted to male wealth. That's why men want to see naked women but women don't want to see naked men.


Your rule that women and men objectify each other by looks is not true.
As a corollary....

I just asked my partner this question. And she told me something that and I never really knew which was really fascinating. So it was explained to me....

She admitted to me when we go to the beach one of the reasons she will wear skimpy swimwear is to show how good she looks. "I want to show that I have the nicest tits/ass/body out on that beach." And in particular she also admits that she particularly enjoys "triggering other women."

So it's competition, women are really competitive when it comes to their looks. They are not just looking to attract men. But they are out there showing how much better looking they are (than other women), to stroke their ego and show superiority.
As a corollary....

I just asked my partner this question. And she told me something that and I never really knew which was really fascinating. So it was explained to me....

She admitted to me when we go to the beach one of the reasons she will wear skimpy swimwear is to show how good she looks. "I want to show that I have the nicest tits/ass/body out on that beach." And in particular she also admits that she particularly enjoys "triggering other women."

So it's competition, women are really competitive when it comes to their looks. They are not just looking to attract men. But they are out there showing how much better looking they are (than other women), to stroke their ego and show superiority.

Definitely! And your wife's bikini body has the youthful appearance (even if she's a little older) of the age group (20s) men find most attractive instinctually because young women are statistically the most successful reproducers. :cool:
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Well said
Not really. He's accurate that in modern times wealth has become a primary concern for women when it comes to long term commitment, but there are physical attributes amongst men that to this day transcend wealth when women are seeking low investment sexual partners, particularly when young and fertile. Wealth indeed takes precedence when the aim is to rear children, but height dominates amongst those they seek to sire them. There is no real direct beauty industry for men because the metrics by which women's purely sexual objectification operate within traits only genetics can grant. And even if there were a means to easily artificially grant height, forearms, jawlines, etc to men, the hypergamous nature of women wouldn't diversify into some bonobo like wide sexual dispersion amongst the general male populace, it would simply specify some new dominant physical trait that couldnt be faked, and reestablish the physical hierarchy.
Women do want to see naked men but hat desire is either relegated to such a small percentage of men(as compared to men wanting to see women naked) that it might as well be none, or to the specific man they have.
I get once maturity sets in, priorities change and so the gospel of wealth, stability and protection reign supreme, but I believe the most biologically honest expression of women's desire is expressed prior to age 25 when she is at her most fertile, and with whom she is most likely to engage in non committal,casual sex.
Definitely! And your wife's bikini body has the youthful appearance (even if she's a little older) of the age group (20s) men find most attractive instinctually because young women are statistically the most successful reproducers. :cool:
I'll pass on additional thoughts from her to board to express a woman's point of view. Get ready for some more interesting nuggets as explained to me....

1. Men like to show off their toys, cars, watches, etc to boast and brag and signal that they supposedly have money, even when they know they are not wealthy. A way to improve their social status, in their own eyes at least. She views wearing risque swimwear (in particular) as a way to show it all off. Because it takes alot of courage to wear revealing swimwear. As explained to me..."There is nothing left to the imagination, it's all up in your face, my tits and ass. I'm the most bangable girl out here. You better hide your boyfriend/husband." She wants women to be jealous of her looks. "I've got the looks and I wear clothing with no problem that makes other women uncomfortable....I'm that girl who takes it right to the limits and the one you have always dreamed of being." As you see there are levels of beauty women that women want to achieve. And she wants to be on the top of the totem pole. A very competitive woman

2. It's a kink. My partner is a "mild" exhibitionist. Facetiously, she considers wearing revealing swimwear, as a form of "legalized public nudity." And gets a kick out of the shock value it provides. When women shake their head in disbelief as we walk by them. Or one time in particular, she pointed out a young guy who was next to us..."you see, he flipped over onto his stomach, because I can tell he's hiding a raging hardon. I'm in his spank"

I really admire the work ethic in my partner in maintaining a really nice figure. Putting a lot of hours in the gym with me lifting weights consistently throughout the year and it has really paid off. Also, she has alot of courage to go out in her late 30s, literally showing it all off. And competing with the much younger women.
Ask a complex question and I'll give you a complex answer. :)

Hint: ever wonder why there's a massive beauty industry for women but almost no beauty industry for men?

Hint: ever hear women say there's no such thing as an ugly millionaire?

Answer: males and females of our species do not use the same criteria to objectify each other in the mate selection process.

Females objectify and select males based on their social status. Males objectify and select females based on their looks. This is instinctual behavior in our species. Like all instincts it's driven by an adaptive advantage. That adaptive advantage is reproductive success.

Reproductive success for a human female isn't becoming a mother it's becoming a grandmother. This requires twenty to thirty years of resources. High social status (wealthy) males are best at providing it and are the most attractive to females. The ultimate expression of this instinct is the groupie phenomenon where dozens, hundreds, thousands of women have sex with wealthy superstar males.

Want more proof that reproductive success is becoming grandmothers? Menopause. Until recently we were the only species we knew where females stop ovulating yet live on for years even decades. The adaptive advantage of this is, again, reproductive success. Having raised their own children grandmothers now help raise grandkids maybe even great grandkids. Our remit as a species is to send our DNA into the future. The instinctual drive behind this is massive. We are 8 billion now.

(BTW in the last 10-15 years we've discovered females of several species of toothed whales also menopause and live on for years helping to creche, raise & train the young. Orca females were the first. Beluga, narwal and at least two species of pilot whales have recently been added to the list. No surprise given their highly social nature.)

Now. Males. Reproductive success for a human male is becoming a father--not necessarily a grandfather since males are traditionally more expendable in dangerous occupations including hunting, soldiering, mining, forestry, transportation, construction and other heavy labor.

Human males are instinctually most attracted to female reproductive success. For human females that's a ten year period ending at age 26 and peaking at age 21-22. Data shows this is true for at least six different metrics: lowest miscarriage rate, lowest stillbirth rate, lowest infant mortality rate, lowest birth defect rate, lowest maternal death rate in pregnancy & delivery and, six, lowest rate of other diseases of pregnancy--and all of these without the intervention of modern medicine (obstetrics) which is a recent invention. This data continues to be reaffirmed because millions of women in the world still have little or no access to obstetric medicine during their pregnancies. Sadly.

In short, human males are most attracted to younger women because they are the most successful reproducers. What does the beauty industry do to females of our species? It makes them look young. Smooth skin, high breasts, high butts, flat stomachs, no gray hair? Young women near their reproductive peak have these. Older women do not and may rely increasingly on the beauty/cosmetic industry to maintain a youthful look to remain attractive to men. Women older than 26 can certainly have children but the risk increases with age. Pregnancy at 35+ is considered high risk even with modern medicine.

tl;dr - We are instinctual animals. Our remit is to reproduce. Evolution/adaptation has shaped our behaviors over hundreds of thousands of years. Females of our species objectify males on their social status (wealth) not their looks. Males of our species objectify females on their youthful looks not their social status. Females who have a youthful looks will show it off to attract the best males (of high social status). Males who have high social status will show it off to attract the best females (of youthful looks). Females compete with all other females for the best males. Males compete with all other males for the best females. Even same-sex attracted humans have instinctual attraction to wealth and good looks.

Can you tell I'm a biologist? :cool:
I have a related question-observation: Why do so many hot women seem to enjoy being looked at in public (i.e., a restaurant, bar, etc.) but hot gay guys often treat voyeurs with a you’re-not-hot-enough-to-look-at-me contempt? It it related to the same biological impulse? Or is it because men are so accustomed to casual sex that acknowledging a glance might imply being open to a hook up?
I have a related question-observation: Why do so many hot women seem to enjoy being looked at in public (i.e., a restaurant, bar, etc.) but hot gay guys often treat voyeurs with a you’re-not-hot-enough-to-look-at-me contempt? It it related to the same biological impulse? Or is it because men are so accustomed to casual sex that acknowledging a glance might imply being open to a hook up?

Isn't it the difference between a woman knowing everyone's looking at her because she's so hot and an individual hot gay male giving the brush off to one voyeur who is not hot enough for him?

One likes to be adored by the whole crowd. The other is rejecting the attraction of an individual. One is playing to the crowd the other isn't.

Individual hot women give men the brush off all the time if not interested in a guy.

I've known many hot gay men who enjoyed the adoration of a crowd. :cool:
I have a related question-observation: Why do so many hot women seem to enjoy being looked at in public (i.e., a restaurant, bar, etc.) but hot gay guys often treat voyeurs with a you’re-not-hot-enough-to-look-at-me contempt? It it related to the same biological impulse? Or is it because men are so accustomed to casual sex that acknowledging a glance might imply being open to a hook up?
When I go to Gunnison beach with my partner. We give them a nice eye candy show. For the most part we get tactfully complimented by other people. There is nothing wrong with that. And they are not looking to hook up. They are just enjoying the show.

On occasion, I've been hit on by men and women. There is nothing wrong with it. I find it flattering. However, we don't go to a nude beach for hookups, especially with strangers.
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Sam0021 said it all. We are creatures of nature and that's the ying and yang of things. Funny but true most woman dress for other woman and woman don't like looking at men with a thong on or seeing There package on the beach ( well maybe some do ) but in the bedroom is a different matter. My opinion is for a guy, not how big your package is but how big the wallet is. Most men like looking at porn but I think most woman don't but do only to please the guy. Lastly, some woman like giving head NOT because they really like it but they like the way the guys responds and enjoys there pleasure. Humans are complicated and i think more so for woman . We could go on forever but woman have more drama in there lives. My own opinion. But Sam0021 , you nailed it.
Ask a complex question and I'll give you a complex answer. :)

Hint: ever wonder why there's a massive beauty industry for women but almost no beauty industry for men?

Hint: ever hear women say there's no such thing as an ugly millionaire?

Answer: males and females of our species do not use the same criteria to objectify each other in the mate selection process.

Females objectify and select males based on their social status. Males objectify and select females based on their looks. This is instinctual behavior in our species. Like all instincts it's driven by an adaptive advantage. That adaptive advantage is reproductive success.

Reproductive success for a human female isn't becoming a mother it's becoming a grandmother. This requires twenty to thirty years of resources. High social status (wealthy) males are best at providing it and are the most attractive to females. The ultimate expression of this instinct is the groupie phenomenon where dozens, hundreds, thousands of women have sex with wealthy superstar males.

Want more proof that reproductive success is becoming grandmothers? Menopause. Until recently we were the only species we knew where females stop ovulating yet live on for years even decades. The adaptive advantage of this is, again, reproductive success. Having raised their own children grandmothers now help raise grandkids maybe even great grandkids. Our remit as a species is to send our DNA into the future. The instinctual drive behind this is massive. We are 8 billion now.

(BTW in the last 10-15 years we've discovered females of several species of toothed whales also menopause and live on for years helping to creche, raise & train the young. Orca females were the first. Beluga, narwal and at least two species of pilot whales have recently been added to the list. No surprise given their highly social nature.)

Now. Males. Reproductive success for a human male is becoming a father--not necessarily a grandfather since males are traditionally more expendable in dangerous occupations including hunting, soldiering, mining, forestry, transportation, construction and other heavy labor.

Human males are instinctually most attracted to female reproductive success. For human females that's a ten year period ending at age 26 and peaking at age 21-22. Data shows this is true for at least six different metrics: lowest miscarriage rate, lowest stillbirth rate, lowest infant mortality rate, lowest birth defect rate, lowest maternal death rate in pregnancy & delivery and, six, lowest rate of other diseases of pregnancy--and all of these without the intervention of modern medicine (obstetrics) which is a recent invention. This data continues to be reaffirmed because millions of women in the world still have little or no access to obstetric medicine during their pregnancies. Sadly.

In short, human males are most attracted to younger women because they are the most successful reproducers. What does the beauty industry do to females of our species? It makes them look young. Smooth skin, high breasts, high butts, flat stomachs, no gray hair? Young women near their reproductive peak have these. Older women do not and may rely increasingly on the beauty/cosmetic industry to maintain a youthful look to remain attractive to men. Women older than 26 can certainly have children but the risk increases with age. Pregnancy at 35+ is considered high risk even with modern medicine.

tl;dr - We are instinctual animals. Our remit is to reproduce. Evolution/adaptation has shaped our behaviors over hundreds of thousands of years. Females of our species objectify males on their social status (wealth) not their looks. Males of our species objectify females on their youthful looks not their social status. Females who have a youthful looks will show it off to attract the best males (of high social status). Males who have high social status will show it off to attract the best females (of youthful looks). Females compete with all other females for the best males. Males compete with all other males for the best females. Even same-sex attracted humans have instinctual attraction to wealth and good looks.

Can you tell I'm a biologist? :cool:
You nailed it .
Ask a complex question and I'll give you a complex answer. :)

Hint: ever wonder why there's a massive beauty industry for women but almost no beauty industry for men?

Hint: ever hear women say there's no such thing as an ugly millionaire?

Answer: males and females of our species do not use the same criteria to objectify each other in the mate selection process.

Females objectify and select males based on their social status. Males objectify and select females based on their looks. This is instinctual behavior in our species. Like all instincts it's driven by an adaptive advantage. That adaptive advantage is reproductive success.

Reproductive success for a human female isn't becoming a mother it's becoming a grandmother. This requires twenty to thirty years of resources. High social status (wealthy) males are best at providing it and are the most attractive to females. The ultimate expression of this instinct is the groupie phenomenon where dozens, hundreds, thousands of women have sex with wealthy superstar males.

Want more proof that reproductive success is becoming grandmothers? Menopause. Until recently we were the only species we knew where females stop ovulating yet live on for years even decades. The adaptive advantage of this is, again, reproductive success. Having raised their own children grandmothers now help raise grandkids maybe even great grandkids. Our remit as a species is to send our DNA into the future. The instinctual drive behind this is massive. We are 8 billion now.

(BTW in the last 10-15 years we've discovered females of several species of toothed whales also menopause and live on for years helping to creche, raise & train the young. Orca females were the first. Beluga, narwal and at least two species of pilot whales have recently been added to the list. No surprise given their highly social nature.)

Now. Males. Reproductive success for a human male is becoming a father--not necessarily a grandfather since males are traditionally more expendable in dangerous occupations including hunting, soldiering, mining, forestry, transportation, construction and other heavy labor.

Human males are instinctually most attracted to female reproductive success. For human females that's a ten year period ending at age 26 and peaking at age 21-22. Data shows this is true for at least six different metrics: lowest miscarriage rate, lowest stillbirth rate, lowest infant mortality rate, lowest birth defect rate, lowest maternal death rate in pregnancy & delivery and, six, lowest rate of other diseases of pregnancy--and all of these without the intervention of modern medicine (obstetrics) which is a recent invention. This data continues to be reaffirmed because millions of women in the world still have little or no access to obstetric medicine during their pregnancies. Sadly.

In short, human males are most attracted to younger women because they are the most successful reproducers. What does the beauty industry do to females of our species? It makes them look young. Smooth skin, high breasts, high butts, flat stomachs, no gray hair? Young women near their reproductive peak have these. Older women do not and may rely increasingly on the beauty/cosmetic industry to maintain a youthful look to remain attractive to men. Women older than 26 can certainly have children but the risk increases with age. Pregnancy at 35+ is considered high risk even with modern medicine.

tl;dr - We are instinctual animals. Our remit is to reproduce. Evolution/adaptation has shaped our behaviors over hundreds of thousands of years. Females of our species objectify males on their social status (wealth) not their looks. Males of our species objectify females on their youthful looks not their social status. Females who have a youthful looks will show it off to attract the best males (of high social status). Males who have high social status will show it off to attract the best females (of youthful looks). Females compete with all other females for the best males. Males compete with all other males for the best females. Even same-sex attracted humans have instinctual attraction to wealth and good looks.

Can you tell I'm a biologist? :cool:
Very good and accurate.
hi there, I have a rather complex question but I thought this will be a safe space to ask. In my opinion, I see women are so very much more sexualized and objectified by the society (specifically in western society). Everything related to women whether their party dresses, perfumes, underwear, swimwear..and so on are sexualized but I don't see that for men.. a few examples: you see way more female nudity and sexualization of women than men on tv & movies.. even in men's perfume ads, you see naked women (women would be wearing a bikini, men won't be in briefs)...women's underwear undeniably are more sexualized, you see women's all type of sexy underwear advertisements, bill boards, etc. but I am yet to see any male underwear ads (like men in briefs).. the most they show is men in knee length see women in bikini on beaches, but most men will be in board shorts (not breifs) so, my question is: in today's day and age of gender equality, why is there so much difference between men and women when it comes to sexualization.. i mean if we follow the rule that most men want to see naked women, then i am sure most women would like to see naked men as well... please shed light on this to a guy who is new to the west..
Ask a complex question and I'll give you a complex answer. :)

Hint: ever wonder why there's a massive beauty industry for women but almost no beauty industry for men?

Hint: ever hear women say there's no such thing as an ugly millionaire?

Answer: males and females of our species do not use the same criteria to objectify each other in the mate selection process.

Females objectify and select males based on their social status. Males objectify and select females based on their looks. This is instinctual behavior in our species. Like all instincts it's driven by an adaptive advantage. That adaptive advantage is reproductive success.

Reproductive success for a human female isn't becoming a mother it's becoming a grandmother. This requires twenty to thirty years of resources. High social status (wealthy) males are best at providing it and are the most attractive to females. The ultimate expression of this instinct is the groupie phenomenon where dozens, hundreds, thousands of women have sex with wealthy superstar males.

Want more proof that reproductive success is becoming grandmothers? Menopause. Until recently we were the only species we knew where females stop ovulating yet live on for years even decades. The adaptive advantage of this is, again, reproductive success. Having raised their own children grandmothers now help raise grandkids maybe even great grandkids. Our remit as a species is to send our DNA into the future. The instinctual drive behind this is massive. We are 8 billion now.

(BTW in the last 10-15 years we've discovered females of several species of toothed whales also menopause and live on for years helping to creche, raise & train the young. Orca females were the first. Beluga, narwal and at least two species of pilot whales have recently been added to the list. No surprise given their highly social nature.)

Now. Males. Reproductive success for a human male is becoming a father--not necessarily a grandfather since males are traditionally more expendable in dangerous occupations including hunting, soldiering, mining, forestry, transportation, construction and other heavy labor.

Human males are instinctually most attracted to female reproductive success. For human females that's a ten year period ending at age 26 and peaking at age 21-22. Data shows this is true for at least six different metrics: lowest miscarriage rate, lowest stillbirth rate, lowest infant mortality rate, lowest birth defect rate, lowest maternal death rate in pregnancy & delivery and, six, lowest rate of other diseases of pregnancy--and all of these without the intervention of modern medicine (obstetrics) which is a recent invention. This data continues to be reaffirmed because millions of women in the world still have little or no access to obstetric medicine during their pregnancies. Sadly.

In short, human males are most attracted to younger women because they are the most successful reproducers. What does the beauty industry do to females of our species? It makes them look young. Smooth skin, high breasts, high butts, flat stomachs, no gray hair? Young women near their reproductive peak have these. Older women do not and may rely increasingly on the beauty/cosmetic industry to maintain a youthful look to remain attractive to men. Women older than 26 can certainly have children but the risk increases with age. Pregnancy at 35+ is considered high risk even with modern medicine.

tl;dr - We are instinctual animals. Our remit is to reproduce. Evolution/adaptation has shaped our behaviors over hundreds of thousands of years. Females of our species objectify males on their social status (wealth) not their looks. Males of our species objectify females on their youthful looks not their social status. Females who have a youthful looks will show it off to attract the best males (of high social status). Males who have high social status will show it off to attract the best females (of youthful looks). Females compete with all other females for the best males. Males compete with all other males for the best females. Even same-sex attracted humans have instinctual attraction to wealth and good looks.

Can you tell I'm a biologist? :cool:
Very good and accurate. Not much more can be said and saying it here is safe. Meaning , if you said this openly, publicly you would get tarred and feather, the thought police would be banging down your door and Your life would be ruined. The new world order
Sam0021 said it all. We are creatures of nature and that's the ying and yang of things. Funny but true most woman dress for other woman and woman don't like looking at men with a thong on or seeing There package on the beach ( well maybe some do ) but in the bedroom is a different matter. My opinion is for a guy, not how big your package is but how big the wallet is. Most men like looking at porn but I think most woman don't but do only to please the guy. Lastly, some woman like giving head NOT because they really like it but they like the way the guys responds and enjoys there pleasure. Humans are complicated and i think more so for woman . We could go on forever but woman have more drama in there lives. My own opinion. But Sam0021 , you nailed it.
The social dynamic is really interesting for women. My partner dresses accordingly for the occasion.

At work, she dresses conservatively. Wants to be taken seriously as a professional. Most of the management team is female, so you don't want to attract hostility from your bosses.

When she's out with her friends. She dresses sexy but not slutty. A modest tits and ass display to show that, look I'm hotter than you. Since she's the most attractive one in her clique, there is nothing to prove.

However when going to the beach, nothing is left to the imagination. And that is when she draws the most hostility. And she revels in it. "I triggered another one."

Regarding men's swimwear, she prefers men's briefs not the board shorts that men wear. Boards shorts are boyish looking, briefs make men more masculine looking, thongs are not recommended. Also, with briefs she can check out your package. According to her "I loooooove dick"....nuff said...LOL.
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hi there, I have a rather complex question but I thought this will be a safe space to ask. In my opinion, I see women are so very much more sexualized and objectified by the society (specifically in western society). Everything related to women whether their party dresses, perfumes, underwear, swimwear..and so on are sexualized but I don't see that for men.. a few examples: you see way more female nudity and sexualization of women than men on tv & movies.. even in men's perfume ads, you see naked women (women would be wearing a bikini, men won't be in briefs)...women's underwear undeniably are more sexualized, you see women's all type of sexy underwear advertisements, bill boards, etc. but I am yet to see any male underwear ads (like men in briefs).. the most they show is men in knee length see women in bikini on beaches, but most men will be in board shorts (not breifs) so, my question is: in today's day and age of gender equality, why is there so much difference between men and women when it comes to sexualization.. i mean if we follow the rule that most men want to see naked women, then i am sure most women would like to see naked men as well... please shed light on this to a guy who is new to the west..
Well in fact somebody made studies about it bc they had the same doubt, and if I dont remember wrongly, women are less attracted to the sexual part of men than men are, it was a study done for marketing, to find the conclusion that yes, men are more prone to like a product if it is marketed with a hot or conventionally attractive woman while women care more about character and depth.
Ask a complex question and I'll give you a complex answer. :)

Hint: ever wonder why there's a massive beauty industry for women but almost no beauty industry for men?

Hint: ever hear women say there's no such thing as an ugly millionaire?

Answer: males and females of our species do not use the same criteria to objectify each other in the mate selection process.

Females objectify and select males based on their social status. Males objectify and select females based on their looks. This is instinctual behavior in our species. Like all instincts it's driven by an adaptive advantage. That adaptive advantage is reproductive success.

Reproductive success for a human female isn't becoming a mother it's becoming a grandmother. This requires twenty to thirty years of resources. High social status (wealthy) males are best at providing it and are the most attractive to females. The ultimate expression of this instinct is the groupie phenomenon where dozens, hundreds, thousands of women have sex with wealthy superstar males.

Want more proof that reproductive success is becoming grandmothers? Menopause. Until recently we were the only species we knew where females stop ovulating yet live on for years even decades. The adaptive advantage of this is, again, reproductive success. Having raised their own children grandmothers now help raise grandkids maybe even great grandkids. Our remit as a species is to send our DNA into the future. The instinctual drive behind this is massive. We are 8 billion now.

(BTW in the last 10-15 years we've discovered females of several species of toothed whales also menopause and live on for years helping to creche, raise & train the young. Orca females were the first. Beluga, narwal and at least two species of pilot whales have recently been added to the list. No surprise given their highly social nature.)

Now. Males. Reproductive success for a human male is becoming a father--not necessarily a grandfather since males are traditionally more expendable in dangerous occupations including hunting, soldiering, mining, forestry, transportation, construction and other heavy labor.

Human males are instinctually most attracted to female reproductive success. For human females that's a ten year period ending at age 26 and peaking at age 21-22. Data shows this is true for at least six different metrics: lowest miscarriage rate, lowest stillbirth rate, lowest infant mortality rate, lowest birth defect rate, lowest maternal death rate in pregnancy & delivery and, six, lowest rate of other diseases of pregnancy--and all of these without the intervention of modern medicine (obstetrics) which is a recent invention. This data continues to be reaffirmed because millions of women in the world still have little or no access to obstetric medicine during their pregnancies. Sadly.

In short, human males are most attracted to younger women because they are the most successful reproducers. What does the beauty industry do to females of our species? It makes them look young. Smooth skin, high breasts, high butts, flat stomachs, no gray hair? Young women near their reproductive peak have these. Older women do not and may rely increasingly on the beauty/cosmetic industry to maintain a youthful look to remain attractive to men. Women older than 26 can certainly have children but the risk increases with age. Pregnancy at 35+ is considered high risk even with modern medicine.

tl;dr - We are instinctual animals. Our remit is to reproduce. Evolution/adaptation has shaped our behaviors over hundreds of thousands of years. Females of our species objectify males on their social status (wealth) not their looks. Males of our species objectify females on their youthful looks not their social status. Females who have a youthful looks will show it off to attract the best males (of high social status). Males who have high social status will show it off to attract the best females (of youthful looks). Females compete with all other females for the best males. Males compete with all other males for the best females. Even same-sex attracted humans have instinctual attraction to wealth and good looks.

Can you tell I'm a biologist? :cool:
Its more if a psychological tangent made by years of forcing this ways why thinking into humans, it's been seen that this dynamics change in other non western dominated civilizations.
Its more if a psychological tangent made by years of forcing this ways why thinking into humans, it's been seen that this dynamics change in other non western dominated civilizations.

I disagree. Civilization is ~10,000 years old. Our species is at least 100,000 years old and probably >350,000 backed by 5+ million years of evolution of predecessor species in our line. The social and cultural constructs of gender behavior have not had time to override our evolutionary instincts. This is why social constructs exist in the first place: to repress & control our instinctual behaviors.

"Forcing ways of thinking" is the very definition of indoctrination into social & cultural constructs. It works because one of our instincts is to learn what our tribe expects of us and to conform to it even when it conflicts with other instincts. West or East doesn't matter.