mandingo and realistic look at size

talk about time to waste heheh

I simply rotated the image and duped his fingers without resizing or distorting any parts, and it appears that he could almost fit 3 hand widths along the shaft alone

so I'd guess he's 8-8.5 along the shaft, probably close to 10"

LOL...You have to love photoshop
Some of you will know the porn actor Mandingo. He is famous for his penis size and I think he has biggest dick I have ever seen. (FYI: i am straight) When you people guess how long he might be, they come up with around the famous 12". My estimation based on some facts is much lower with 8.5".

you are a dumb mofo if you think he is anywhere near 8.5" or even 9-10"

i'm 8" long with 5.5-5.8" (mid-shaft) girth and i CAN SAY I"VE GOT NOTHING COMPARED TO MANDINGO. HE IS 11-11.5" LONG X 7-8" IN GRITH

thats like your saying that Ramon, Peter North and Julian Rios all have the same size as Mandingo. . . . .I DON'T THINK SO BUDDY

look here:
Take into account that a lot of people are bitter about their own penis size -
hence trying to downsize people like Mandingo and Criss Strokes
to feel better about themselves.
you are a dumb mofo if you think he is anywhere near 8.5" or even 9-10"

i'm 8" long with 5.5-5.8" (mid-shaft) girth and i CAN SAY I"VE GOT NOTHING COMPARED TO MANDINGO. HE IS 11-11.5" LONG X 7-8" IN GRITH

thats like your saying that Ramon, Peter North and Julian Rios all have the same size as Mandingo. . . . .I DON'T THINK SO BUDDY

look here:
why did you feel the need to post to a 5 year old thread that hadn't had a post in 2 months?
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mandingo is easily between an honest 9-10'' which is huge. a proper measured 9'' cock would make alot of people question themselves. anyone agree?
haha i know this is an old thread, but I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring with actual evidence masked over the OP's picture.

The hand measurements were derived from the ISPUB hand study.
ISPUB - Determination Of Sex By Hand Dimensions

The pixel measurements were done in-program with Gimp, overlaid with paintbrush lines to approximate their respective distances (the actual visible lines are within 1% of the actual measurements taken).

I provided a range, as Mandingo's hand breadth/size is unknown, but surely falls statistically into the average human range. He certainly doesn't have "small" hands, so the minimum average is there only to define the possible range.

From the analysis, I believe his actual NBPL to be in the neighborhood of 9.61 to 10.57 inches. This allows for two opposing standard deviations from the mean, and would account for 68.2% of the possible hand sizes. Assuming he has "huge" hands though, he could very well be a legitimate contender for 11+ inches.

This whole thing assumes the photo is legitimate and wasn't augmented with some special lens.


That's quite a comprehensive study! I would like to add that you are using a bone pressed measurement however. Non-bone pressed 9" to 10" seems like a realistic size.
Also remember that an erect penis isn't always the same size. Fully erect and erect are two different things. Notice how a cock can seem bigger in one shot and smaller in the next shot. Mine can differ up to 1½ inches between a good and a bad day, and I'm relatively small. But I guess, for this "study" a fully erect cock wouldn't give you the result you're after.
i'll take this opinion any day over some jealous dudes here doing bogus photo analysis comparing body parts. every human's parts vary so the correlation is moot. and since when is 9 - 9 1/2" anything less than huge in the REAL world?? leave mandingo alone, he's got a huge hog ;-p

Well, I thought I should respond here. As someone who has actually been around and in the room fucking women at the same time as Fred (Mandingo) - and Lex and other adult talent- I can shed some light on the subject here. I used to regularly attend an upscale swing party in the valley that catered to women who were interested in gangbangs and well endowed men (and black guys in particular) - so there were quite a few adult stars that would be there - both male and female. Fred was one of regulars back in the day.

Now, Fred is quite large - but not as crazy large as it can seem in some vids/pics. He's maybe around 9 - 9 1/2 inches or so - which really is very large and one of the biggest guys in the biz today by far - but the thing about him is that he is of a very slight build and quite short. I'm 6'3" and and towered over him and he has a very petite build. He was in great shape back then - this was when he was just starting to do adult work - so a 9 inch cock on him looks HUGE - and granted it is - but his cock kinda looks out of place and ridiculous on him. Lex, on the other hand is around 6 feet tall or more.

And take into consideration that most all of the girls who are in the biz are TINY - like almost midget size. The first time Jenna Haze came to my house when I answered the door - I thought she was gonna sell me girl scout cookies...Same with Rebeca Linares who's at my house all the time - and most of the rest of them. Put a 9 inch cock in their hands and it looks downright scary. Tera is one of the few that is taller and more "model like" size-wise.

So anyway, not trying to take anything away from him at all - he has one of the biggest cocks in the biz and the great thing is that he never seems to have performance problems and gets rock hard - so that's great. Just wanted to throw some real perspective on this.
I think a lot of people on here just don't get out in the real world sometimes. Or at least don't get with women. I'm legit, not lying, right under 8 inches in length following the slight curve, and just under 6 in girth. It always feels the thickest after I've had a couple beers and am having awesome sex, obviously the most turned on. I fill out a magnum no problem. And prefer them over normal condoms. Do I think I'm huge? No. Do I think I'm big, kind of. Do I think I'm average. No. And I think this because I fill out a magnum ok, and 4/5 women I've been with tell me I'm big, have trouble taking me all the way in during certain positions, and if I wear brief underwear that fit my waist size (28-29), I feel my cock can't breathe. This is all from my experience, others my differ with a similar size. One of my best friends growing up was about 6'8", white guy, and just an all around bigger guy, wasn't fat, but bulky. I saw his dick a lot, he was as long as that silver comcast remote, however big that is. I SAW him do it once. And every girl that was with him, said, "he has a big dick!" Some girls had trouble fucking him. I saw this, in person as well. So he was under 10 inches... but, another guy i knew, about 6'11", had a threesome with my 6'8" friend and a girl i knew very well. The girl, whom I know very well, told me the 6'11" guy was longer, no doubt. But not as thick. So, that puts him in the 10 inch category. This is from my experience. Not everyone has this. Also, that 1/5 girls that don't comment on my size, have been with at least one guy bigger, or multiple guys around my size. i ask, they tell me. They don't go by inches, because I don't ask that, I know they exaggerate or just don't know. But some will tell me how they couldn't get their hand around a certain guy because the thickness, or how it was big as their arm, and older women seem to be better at judging size, i've had a few flat out just guess my size and be right on. And when they say they were with a 10 incher, i usually believe it. I've had sex with around 80 girls, not lying. I don't care if you believe it or not, but believe there are simply more 9s, 10s, and 11s out there than you want to think. I'm in NYC a lot, and in most gas stations and bodegas, especially out in Brooklyn, the Magnum section on the wall is at least 33% of the condoms up there. Sometimes about 50%. They wouldn't have them if they weren't selling them.

Face it... Mandingo is huge. You can say "camera angle", do the stupid hand measuring tool, whatever you want. The guy is AT LEAST 10. 11 might be pushing it, but it wouldn't surpise me.

Point is.... big dicks over 9 inches are out there. And wouldn't you think if 9 inches was the biggest in porn, chances of coming across a 9 or 10 incher would be like coming across a 1963 Ferrari GTO at Wal-Mart? He's bigger than 9.
I think a lot of people on here just don't get out in the real world sometimes. Or at least don't get with women. I'm legit, not lying, right under 8 inches in length following the slight curve, and just under 6 in girth. It always feels the thickest after I've had a couple beers and am having awesome sex, obviously the most turned on. I fill out a magnum no problem. And prefer them over normal condoms. Do I think I'm huge? No. Do I think I'm big, kind of. Do I think I'm average. No. And I think this because I fill out a magnum ok, and 4/5 women I've been with tell me I'm big, have trouble taking me all the way in during certain positions, and if I wear brief underwear that fit my waist size (28-29), I feel my cock can't breathe. This is all from my experience, others my differ with a similar size. One of my best friends growing up was about 6'8", white guy, and just an all around bigger guy, wasn't fat, but bulky. I saw his dick a lot, he was as long as that silver comcast remote, however big that is. I SAW him do it once. And every girl that was with him, said, "he has a big dick!" Some girls had trouble fucking him. I saw this, in person as well. So he was under 10 inches... but, another guy i knew, about 6'11", had a threesome with my 6'8" friend and a girl i knew very well. The girl, whom I know very well, told me the 6'11" guy was longer, no doubt. But not as thick. So, that puts him in the 10 inch category. This is from my experience. Not everyone has this. Also, that 1/5 girls that don't comment on my size, have been with at least one guy bigger, or multiple guys around my size. i ask, they tell me. They don't go by inches, because I don't ask that, I know they exaggerate or just don't know. But some will tell me how they couldn't get their hand around a certain guy because the thickness, or how it was big as their arm, and older women seem to be better at judging size, i've had a few flat out just guess my size and be right on. And when they say they were with a 10 incher, i usually believe it. I've had sex with around 80 girls, not lying. I don't care if you believe it or not, but believe there are simply more 9s, 10s, and 11s out there than you want to think. I'm in NYC a lot, and in most gas stations and bodegas, especially out in Brooklyn, the Magnum section on the wall is at least 33% of the condoms up there. Sometimes about 50%. They wouldn't have them if they weren't selling them.

Face it... Mandingo is huge. You can say "camera angle", do the stupid hand measuring tool, whatever you want. The guy is AT LEAST 10. 11 might be pushing it, but it wouldn't surpise me.

Point is.... big dicks over 9 inches are out there. And wouldn't you think if 9 inches was the biggest in porn, chances of coming across a 9 or 10 incher would be like coming across a 1963 Ferrari GTO at Wal-Mart? He's bigger than 9.

Spot on