I think a lot of people on here just don't get out in the real world sometimes. Or at least don't get with women. I'm legit, not lying, right under 8 inches in length following the slight curve, and just under 6 in girth. It always feels the thickest after I've had a couple beers and am having awesome sex, obviously the most turned on. I fill out a magnum no problem. And prefer them over normal condoms. Do I think I'm huge? No. Do I think I'm big, kind of. Do I think I'm average. No. And I think this because I fill out a magnum ok, and 4/5 women I've been with tell me I'm big, have trouble taking me all the way in during certain positions, and if I wear brief underwear that fit my waist size (28-29), I feel my cock can't breathe. This is all from my experience, others my differ with a similar size. One of my best friends growing up was about 6'8", white guy, and just an all around bigger guy, wasn't fat, but bulky. I saw his dick a lot, he was as long as that silver comcast remote, however big that is. I SAW him do it once. And every girl that was with him, said, "he has a big dick!" Some girls had trouble fucking him. I saw this, in person as well. So he was under 10 inches... but, another guy i knew, about 6'11", had a threesome with my 6'8" friend and a girl i knew very well. The girl, whom I know very well, told me the 6'11" guy was longer, no doubt. But not as thick. So, that puts him in the 10 inch category. This is from my experience. Not everyone has this. Also, that 1/5 girls that don't comment on my size, have been with at least one guy bigger, or multiple guys around my size. i ask, they tell me. They don't go by inches, because I don't ask that, I know they exaggerate or just don't know. But some will tell me how they couldn't get their hand around a certain guy because the thickness, or how it was big as their arm, and older women seem to be better at judging size, i've had a few flat out just guess my size and be right on. And when they say they were with a 10 incher, i usually believe it. I've had sex with around 80 girls, not lying. I don't care if you believe it or not, but believe there are simply more 9s, 10s, and 11s out there than you want to think. I'm in NYC a lot, and in most gas stations and bodegas, especially out in Brooklyn, the Magnum section on the wall is at least 33% of the condoms up there. Sometimes about 50%. They wouldn't have them if they weren't selling them.
Face it... Mandingo is huge. You can say "camera angle", do the stupid hand measuring tool, whatever you want. The guy is AT LEAST 10. 11 might be pushing it, but it wouldn't surpise me.
Point is.... big dicks over 9 inches are out there. And wouldn't you think if 9 inches was the biggest in porn, chances of coming across a 9 or 10 incher would be like coming across a 1963 Ferrari GTO at Wal-Mart? He's bigger than 9.