Photo Matt@10inchlondon

I have once seen a pic of his face (or at least was shown a pic that was said to be him).
If it was, then he isn’t very good looking. He’s perfect for size queens who don’t give a second thought to how plain or unattractive a guy is as long as his dick is huge.
But when I saw a pic that showed his face, I was instantly like “oh, right. His big dick is his only asset”.
Doesn’t stop him from getting a lot of sex. But if you are NOT a size queen, and attractive looks actually are an important factor in being attracted to someone, well, he doesn’t have them.
I have once seen a pic of his face (or at least was shown a pic that was said to be him).
If it was, then he isn’t very good looking. He’s perfect for size queens who don’t give a second thought to how plain or unattractive a guy is as long as his dick is huge.
But when I saw a pic that showed his face, I was instantly like “oh, right. His big dick is his only asset”.
Doesn’t stop him from getting a lot of sex. But if you are NOT a size queen, and attractive looks actually are an important factor in being attracted to someone, well, he doesn’t have them.
Maybe you're confusing him with Teninchtopxxx. Because what we saw of his face in a video he's far from looking this ugly.
Maybe you're confusing him with Teninchtopxxx. Because what we saw of his face in a video he's far from looking this ugly.
It’s possible I may have him confused with someone else, that’s true.

I just remember thinking that his face was kind of unfortunate.
8” around? The tape is doing something weird on the right side.
8” around? The tape is doing something weird on the right side.
Clearly some kind of trickery is going on with the measuring tape (the fold you noticed, it's at an angle, it's not pulled taught).

Some guys he films with are able to deepthroat teninchlondon's cock so he's probably no girthier than 6.75". Still a monster of course! But definitely not 8" around.
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Err, any of you guys subscribing at present to 10inchlondon (teninchlondon aka matt) at the moment? I dropped out a while ago when there were no more new feature-length videos. They weren't prolific in the past, but there was a good video released once a month, which seemed fair for the subscription price. But as of late last year, the videos dried up so I kind of lost interest.
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