Matt rife

I feel where he’s coming from. I’ve been told by and been on dates with guys and girls who were like “I’m sorry, you’re so freaking hot/cute/etc.”… but I’m just like I don’t see it? Lol
For Matt, I also think its the environment he's in. Your average comedian doesn't look like him so he stands out. I doubt he would have so much attention if he was an influencer or fashion model where that kind of face/body/jawline is much more common. It also helps that he has bucket loads of charisma and is great at interacting with people, his comedic crowd work is top tier imo.
For Matt, I also think its the environment he's in. Your average comedian doesn't look like him so he stands out. I doubt he would have so much attention if he was an influencer or fashion model where that kind of face/body/jawline is much more common. It also helps that he has bucket loads of charisma and is great at interacting with people, his comedic crowd work is top tier imo.
Exactly. Not many comedians are as handsome as Matt is, so I think it serves him well in that realm. He's literally the archetype of a man who thinks he's funny and not but he's hot enough to force a laugh at his jokes.

Oh, brother. I can't believe people are still saying woke? And it's always conservative-leaning people (like my ex tbh) who think people are being wrongly "canceled" left and right. Chappelle still has his career and his money. Joe Rogan is probably more popular than ever. Everyone is just fine. And there is PLENTY of great comedy out there right now that isn't "woke," but also doesn't feel the need to talk about how not woke it is and/or constantly pick on sensitive topics they know too little about to include in their routine. I know because my instagram feed is full of it. Stand-up and otherwise. Matt Rife is not great comedy, and it isn't because he's offensive. He wishes, quite frankly.
People who say "woke" are just parrots repeating the latest word that is making the rounds. Like all the southern politicians. Just replace woke with "colored" and you have 1950.
For Matt, I also think its the environment he's in. Your average comedian doesn't look like him so he stands out. I doubt he would have so much attention if he was an influencer or fashion model where that kind of face/body/jawline is much more common. It also helps that he has bucket loads of charisma and is great at interacting with people, his comedic crowd work is top tier imo.
Right right
His only fans comedy special is on Tubi. I didn't watch it because I'm not into comedy specials from anybody in general. I don't even like Kevin Hart comedy specials or any of that shit. But yeah if y'all want to watch it it's on Tubi.
His only fans comedy special is on Tubi. I didn't watch it because I'm not into comedy specials from anybody in general. I don't even like Kevin Hart comedy specials or any of that shit. But yeah if y'all want to watch it it's on Tubi.
It's also still officially on YouTube.:emoji_thumbsup:
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Just a few photos from the lastest video. You could see him bending over, his nipple showing over his shirt, and some of his body and pecs looking pretty good w clothes on but even better if he had no clothes on.
