Matt Ryan (dc's John Constantine)

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Reactions: brnguy Constantine is bi, Gwyn Davies is gay, the dude from Consenting Adults is gay, the character from "And Tell Sad Stories of the Deaths of Queens", well, doesn't look heterosexual, and we still haven't found out if he played other queer characters.
View attachment 60702011
just to add to his gay roles,
he also played another gay dude in a play called small changes. his character was in love with Luke Evans character.C3LyeakW8AAQ2HJ.jpg
Sometimes plays are recorded and available upon request from different institutions. Also a shit ton of bootlegs out there. Whether or not they're big enough stars to warrant bootlegs being traded is another thing. Even some of Ben Whishaw's stuff is just.. not available much due to it though I know it exists.