Matthew dixon british diver

Definitely agree. With him out of contention for the Olympics and losing his funding, he probably needs to keep boosting his income and doesn't really have that much to lose by being more revealing compared to the others
He is too shy to do more... I suspect he will close it soon anyway.
He's made it clear that not only is it funding him & enabling him to continue his diving, he also enjoys being on OF. I don't believe that he will quit any time soon.
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Why would he close it when it is literally paying his rent and stuff? It would be stupid to quit.
I agree with you - he's made it quite clear that his OF is his main income now. So I really cannot see him closing it while he needs that income. He has stated he wants to continue diving and he needs an income to be able to do that. Getting a full tome job is not that easy when you need to train 6+ hours a day 5 days a week. Many other British divers have fallen by the wayside (the same applies to Gymnasts) when their funding has been cut. They've just had to leave their sport and get a job. So I do think that as long as he needs an income to allow him to keep diving he'll keep his OF going. And as someone else has mentioned, he's also said on a few occasions that he actually enjoys having an OF account.
Love how hairy he is. And I think he’s the most likely to go naked based on his circumstances.
I doubt he'll go beyond what's SFW until he's no longer a part of the Team GB Diving Team. But beyond that I do agree with you, in that he is probably the most likely to go that bit further, although he has said more than once that he's shy and doubts he'd go any further than he already has. On a slightly different note, I wonder who gets to take the photos and to see what he has first