Measured porn stars??

I think people really underestimate how big 7 inches NBP looks

View attachment 4553581
7.25 Side Measured NBP
7 If placed on top

View attachment 4553591
7 inches exactly NBP (He’s bending the tape measure to make him look bigger). I copied and pasted the 2-4 inch mark since it’s the straightest partner of the ruler and placed it over the shaft.

View attachment 4553601
7-7.25. Again he’s bending the measuring device to make it seem longer. I copied and pasted the 1-3 inch mark along it. Kind of hard to tell where his base starts, if it starts where the tape measure begins then he is about 7, further pushed back and he’s 7.25

View attachment 4553611
Another 7-7.25.

Na. These guys are all a little bit longer then what you say. There are diffetent ways to measure top measurement. I would give the first guy 7.1 or 7.2
There is something up with you then. 0.75 is huge for a fat pad for someone who claims to be in good shape or lean.

No it really isn't lol I suspect a lot of you arent doing neasurements that are truly nbp measurements
No it really isn't lol I suspect a lot of you arent doing neasurements that are truly nbp measurements

I am obviously not sure about others, but it hurts when I get a BP and there is no way it is or I can get to 0.75”.

My body fat is like 16% so nothing spectacular
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I think people really underestimate how big 7 inches NBP looks

View attachment 4553581
7.25 Side Measured NBP
7 If placed on top

View attachment 4553591
7 inches exactly NBP (He’s bending the tape measure to make him look bigger). I copied and pasted the 2-4 inch mark since it’s the straightest partner of the ruler and placed it over the shaft.

View attachment 4553601
7-7.25. Again he’s bending the measuring device to make it seem longer. I copied and pasted the 1-3 inch mark along it. Kind of hard to tell where his base starts, if it starts where the tape measure begins then he is about 7, further pushed back and he’s 7.25

View attachment 4553611
Another 7-7.25.

All long skinny dongs. The girls would see them as long but not ´´´huge´´´except maybe in length... Now imagine non porn produced photos of pipes or jax slayer. Nearly 8 inches long or 8 inches is Pipes yet the same girth as these guys or a little more. sub 5.25 inch girth really weakens the physical dominance prowess of a penis
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All long skinny dongs. The girls would see them as long but not ´´´huge´´´except maybe in length... Now imagine non porn produced photos of pipes or jax slayer. Nearly 8 inches long or 8 inches is Pipes yet the same girth as these guys or a little more. sub 5.25 inch girth really weakens the physical dominance prowess of a penis

There should be like a golden ratio or something lol
1.3:1 or something.
i am quite lean now and have been thicker in the past. And i just find it hard to believe a ´´lean´´´person has 0.75 inch fat pad.

There is no need to take shots with the quotations etc. I have no clue whatever shape you are or were in but I'm an ecto with some meso.traits who lifts weights so I'm low body fat and have always been pretty much low body fat. I'm not super lean by bodybuilding standards (nor would I want to be) but definitely by average person standards. I have a 6 pack etc. Again I question the honest ness of some of these NBP measurements people tell themselves. You can press relatively firmly to make sure there is contact with the penis pubo junction but forcing down at all past that is cheating imo for an NBP measurement. The typical person even in good shape is going to have a difference that is more than 0.5 inch.
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I am obviously not sure about others, but it hurts when I get a BP and there is no way it is or I can get to 0.75”.

My body fat is like 16% so nothing spectacular

Mine is less than that but it can vary guy to guy body fat obv matters a lot but there is individual variance. Again I would also ask how are you measuring NBP
For example this was shown earlier as an example of a true 7nbp and no one argued. (It's not my dick) If moved over to the side a bit so the ruler was right on top or at least so that the left edge was right on the center of the cock it does look like the base would be in firm contact with the penis pubo junction with out it being forced down on. It's a pretty fair measurement. Anyway in that position, I could easily force down hard 0.75 inches more in my case for a hard bone pressed reading. 74958246-79A8-4D56-B833-E937B56AEA92.jpeg
For example this was shown earlier as an example of a true 7nbp and no one argued. (It's not my dick) If moved over to the side a bit so the ruler was right on top or at least so that the left edge was right on the center of the cock it does look like the base would be in firm contact with the penis pubo junction with out it being forced down on. It's a pretty fair measurement. Anyway in that position, I could easily force down hard 0.75 inches more in my case for a hard bone pressed reading. View attachment 4616421

Agree to disagree. I don’t think it is possible for the guy in that pic to shove it down 3/4 of an inch. Do the mental image. Look at the inch mark and imagine 3/4 of that shoved down. He is already 1/8 down now, so it would almost be to the 1” mark (1/8 short of 1” when combined -> 1/8 + 1/8 = 1/4).

Maybe my skin is baby-like, but trying to get 3/4 of an inch in would impale me or at least puncture the skin :)

I get what you are saying about everyone being different amounts. Whether that is 1/3” or 3/4” who knows. Don’t feel strong enough about it to get in a philosophical discussion:) I also am basing this on a sample size of 1 (me) so fair enough.
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There should be like a golden ratio or something lol
1.3:1 or something.

I love that you brought up the golden ratio! I bet if one were to compile a short list of the porn-star penises that women find most impressive & aesthetically pleasing to look at, a ratio would become apparent... Cheers.
Na. These guys are all a little bit longer then what you say. There are diffetent ways to measure top measurement. I would give the first guy 7.1 or 7.2

The first guy is 7.25 but he is measured from the side. Side measurements can add .25-.50 extra. The last guy is the only one that passed 7, maybe around 7 1/8. The rest are all legit 7 inchers. If you don’t believe me copy and paste the inches that are straightest along the shaft.
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I love that you brought up the golden ratio! I bet if one were to compile a short list of the porn-star penises that women find most impressive & aesthetically pleasing to look at, a ratio would become apparent... Cheers.
Two very pleasing cocks in porn could be Mandingo (a ratio of 1.5:1) and Diesel (a ratio of 1.15:1).

I like the idea of a golden ratio but doubt there's one as suggested by the two listed cocks.