Measured porn stars??

You can see the inches at second 00:16 on this video, if you pause at the right frame. From this you can deduct that he is AT MOST 8.5" measured from the side with a soft tape.

Yes good spot to be honest the soft tape doesn't help add length more than a hard tape would because its on the side, the soft tape only adds length when its on the dick and hugs to it, if you understand what I mean. Also because its a soft tape , you cant do the side "bone press" if you know what I mean.

However it does look 8.5 side measured but not pressed in. I would argue that is commensurate with 7.75-8 on top nbp, but others may disagree.
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Yes good spot to be honest the soft tape doesn't help add length more than a hard tape would because its on the side, the soft tape only adds length when its on the dick and hugs to it, if you understand what I mean. Also because its a soft tape , you cant do the side "bone press" if you know what I mean.

However it does look 8.5 side measured but not pressed in. I would argue that is commensurate with 7.75-8 on top nbp, but others may disagree.

Yeah, it’s a phenomenal video to be fully honest. It really does help him at least put him in a range of length.

It is obviously difficult to gauge a starting point for the tape which is about 3-3.5 ish and the ending point is at 11.5-11.25 ish making him about 8.5-8.25 on the side thus putting him at around 8-7.75 on top. I think we can safely say it is had been now established that he is the that range officially.

Perhaps the full video will provide more evidence but for now, it’s pretty set. Richard Mann is 8-7.75 on top. Definitely a Monster cock.
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With the way the remote is pushed into his thigh underneath the cock, it's hard to give a definitive number.
We can easily calculate that there's 1.75" of cock past the remote, so that makes him 8.75" with a thigh-pressed side measurement. On me the difference between such a measurement and an on-top bone-pressed one in the same position is about 0.5", so all things equal that would make him 8.25" BP. Thats the best I can do, and it's not meant as a definitive estimation.

You mean that makes him 8.25 NBP right?
thus putting him at around 8-7.75 on top. I think we can safely say it is had been now established that he is the that range officially.

Perhaps the full video will provide more evidence but for now, it’s pretty set. Richard Mann is 8-7.75 on top. Definitely a Monster cock.
What size do you estimate is his girth?
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You mean that makes him 8.25 NBP right?

No I meant BP. It's impossible to know where the end of the remote is in relation to his NBP starting point, all we can do is try to reproduce the position of remote, dick, and body, and see how it translates to our own BP. That's what I did and I can't be sure I got it right, it would be nice if other guys did the experiment.
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No I meant BP. It's impossible to know where the end of the remote is in relation to his NBP starting point, all we can do is try to reproduce the position of remote, dick, and body, and see how it translates to our own BP. That's what I did and I can't be sure I got it right, it would be nice if other guys did the experiment.

8.25 BP would mean Danny D is 7 something NBP. That is simply wrong.