Measured porn stars??

BulgeNine that picture has been show before and it proves nothing. 2 different females so how is that a comparison picture?

yea and mandingo and danny are on the same perspective in that photo. Interesting thats all. Of course its apples and oranges because of lens, camera, girl, lighting etc
Danny Dong and Mandingo aren't on the same perspective in that picture. Just put a picture of 2 different females with 2 different body and say well they are the same perspective.

And that picture was showing months ago. So we going to just start showing the same pictures over and over again? What does it prove? I thought this was the measured pornstars. Even if that picture wasn't showing months ago there is no measurement in it anyway.
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Longozzy that video and that measurement is old. It was put up about 120 pages ago and that measurement isn't a good measurement a all. She is measuring him from the side. So basically nobody has any new measurements huh? Just going to keep putting up stuff people already posted years ago huh? Lame.
Longozzy that video and that measurement is old. It was put up about 120 pages ago and that measurement isn't a good measurement a all. She is measuring him from the side. So basically nobody has any new measurements huh? Just going to keep putting up stuff people already posted years ago huh? Lame.

your puppy avatar is so damn adorable who could stay mad at you
Longozzy that video and that measurement is old. It was put up about 120 pages ago and that measurement isn't a good measurement a all. She is measuring him from the side. So basically nobody has any new measurements huh? Just going to keep putting up stuff people already posted years ago huh? Lame.

Get a grip and chill....I stuffed up....sheesh
Don't like to chill, it is bad on your back. Also I only like to grip my dick. I was just telling you that the video and that measurement is as old as this thread so you need to chill and get a grip and stuff up and sheesh.
Since I am pretty sure most of you will agree that it is virtually impossible to find a pornstar measuring properly or find any new measurements.

I do find it hilarious how guys on tumblr or whatever cheat trying to get even 8 inches

Big Cocks Measured

Some of those measurements are so hilarious. Basically shoving the tape measure up their ass and still can't get 8 inches.
Some of those measurements are so hilarious. Basically shoving the tape measure up their ass and still can't get 8 inches.
Yeah, I was thinking the other day when someone described bone pressed measurement as some bullshit that the PE people made up to make themselves look bigger, that for every 'one' suspicious looking "pierce the gut" bone pressed measurement you could scrape up, there's probably about a hundred of guys doing some off the wall bullshit to lie to a bunch of strangers without bone pressing.