Measured porn stars??

Actually "bone pressed measurements" are what people with dick issues use to make themselves look better. Your dick is your dick, no fat pad shit, because unless that fat pad can penetrate a female then why talk about it? Because that is what little dick guys do. That or cry over their favorite pornstar dick.

But anyway looking at tumblr most of the guys their are cheating by pushing the tape measurement under their balls, beside their legs, way into their guts and that is just to get 8 inches.

There was some other penis size site that didn't show measurements but talked about adult film star and web camera penis size and they are just as bad. They still have stuff like Mandingo and Danny D being 12 inches. Boz the Animal being 10 inches. Which is still better than believing that Jonah Falcon is 13.5 inches.
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Hi Jason,

I'm not making excuses for either side. I was just pointing out that it's funny how bone pressed often gets attacked with "why the hell would you think you could measure like that?", when almost every single one of the remaining measurements are done with some sort of deception or non-compliant method to gain length. Not only is the number of people a magnitude higher, but if you averaged out the amount of length typically gained from all those BP measurements (vs. NBP) it would probably be minuscule compared to what your average guy has gained by sitting down with his legs spread and his dick pointed toward the floor or some scrunched up cloth measuring tape mess, not to mention all the more extreme or creative methods.
Since I am pretty sure most of you will agree that it is virtually impossible to find a pornstar measuring properly or find any new measurements.

I do find it hilarious how guys on tumblr or whatever cheat trying to get even 8 inches

Big Cocks Measured

Some of those measurements are so hilarious. Basically shoving the tape measure up their ass and still can't get 8 inches.

This guy seems to be an honest 8" and it looks really big:
Big Cocks Measured : Photo

Bigger than that and it would probably be inconvenient.
Yeah, I was thinking the other day when someone described bone pressed measurement as some bullshit that the PE people made up to make themselves look bigger, that for every 'one' suspicious looking "pierce the gut" bone pressed measurement you could scrape up, there's probably about a hundred of guys doing some off the wall bullshit to lie to a bunch of strangers without bone pressing.

To be fair, how should people doing PE recognize changes in their size if they did not use bone pressed measurements since you also can lose or gain fat pad.

This guy seems to be an honest 8" and it looks really big:
Big Cocks Measured : Photo

Bigger than that and it would probably be inconvenient.

Sorry but if you think that is 8" you probably should check if you are really an honest 7". :redface:
To be fair, how should people doing PE recognize changes in their size if they did not use bone pressed measurements since you also can lose or gain fat pad.

Not to mention that the penis size studies are done bone pressed (with only a few exceptions). It's literally the official way to measure...
bone pressed is baloney and should only be used by p e practioners for accurate measurement of gains,for personal say your 8 inches when you have only 7 inches of usable shaft is self decieveing.
1. Bone-pressed is the only way to measure hard, firm, PERSISTENT tissue. Fatpad can be lost and gained.
2. Fatpad can be compressed partially but very easily and only fractionally decreases penetration depth.

Anyone saying that bone-pressed measuring is bullshit are just assholes.
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1. Bone-pressed is the only way to measure hard, firm, PERSISTENT tissue. Fatpad can be lost and gained.
2. Fatpad can be compressed partially but very easily and only fractionally decreases penetration depth.

Anyone saying that bone-pressed measuring is bullshit are just assholes.
this response puts you at the head of the ahole list
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i would like to know the size of byron long and ice cold if anybody has any measurement pics

I once guesstimated Ice Colds size to be somewhat under 9 inches.

In this video with Rebecca Linares she compares it to her forearm at 7:50

Huge black cock inside Rebeca Linares -

You can clearly see that he is thicker than her wrist and barely as long as her whole forearm (from her palm to barely the inner side of the forearm). It's also a lil bit longer than Rico Strongs cock as seen here at 15:57

Mpeghunter - Free Porn interracial linares poolside

(as long as her full forearm)

or here

Rebecca Linares plowed hard by a massive black cock - Pichunter

(it's like 6/7 of her forearm length from the most outer point)

Now let's take this image of her as a rough estimate

According to she is 5 feet 1 inch. On the pic she is 550 pixels high. Her forearm is roughly 75 pixels long and the distance from her cunt to her belly button is pixels. Her torso is roughly 185 pixels.

This makes her forearm roughly 8.3 inches.
Cunt->Belly Button: 7.2 inches
Torso: ~20 inches

As a comparision for a better estimate I also considered this picture:

Here her torso is 228 pixels
Her forearm from the most outer point is 100 pixels -> ~9 inches
from the inner point is to where roughly her palm would be 90 pixels -> ~8 inches
The guesstimated size of Rico from the picture is roughly 85 pixels -> under 8 inches

So you see this is a very bad kind of guessing the size as we get several different results. Like Rico Strongs could be 9 or 8 inches and Ice Cold could be 8-8.5.

But as we see here or in this video andi anderson vs ice cold & rico strong : porn tube

Ice Cold is clearly longer than Rico Strong.

So I'd give him the benefit of doubt and say he's about 9 inches. Considering that most guys measure bone pressed he is easily 9 inches BPEL.

As for Byron Long I can't say anything because I've never seen a scene that gave me a hint for a rough guess.
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Interesting math for Ice Cold and Rico Strong. I think its off because camera perspective and lenses will throw things off (without a standard unit to measure with) but i'd say they are not more than 8.5" and I'll explain why.

I know Lex has been studied before but I just want to throw something new for me that really puts things in perspective. Lex is generally seen as one of the biggest stars and besides Mandingo definitely the longest. In this video at exactly the 5:24 mark you can see a Non-Bone pressed measurement. The woman says 9 and a half which in itself is a lot shorter than the internet claims. IF it was a direct measurement from the top (in the video shes slightly on the side) he's probably anywhere between 9" and 9.25". Keeping in mind this is younger Lex at full mast and there is some wicked fish eye going on (Tape don't lie). Comparing this to other actors puts things in perspective. For example, based on this video and comparing to videos with Mandingo and Lex together I can conclude that Mandingo doesn't even reach 10".
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On the video hes measured on the side, personnaly If i measured like she did that mean on the side + not next to the cock, ( as you can see the ruler dont even touch his cock on the side) i can gain 1 inch
But if I measure on the side will the ruler touching my cock i gain a bit less like 0.5 -0.7

so he should be around 8.5
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That's clearly a not good measurement. First, she puts the ruler on the side. Second thing, he arches a bit to add some length.
For me, Lex is about 8.5" NBP and Mandingo's about 9".