Measured porn stars??

It is so hard to actually find good pictures of porn stars even trying to measure themselves. You can go to Google Images and type and type in porn star penis measurements and you will get a lot of man on man images. I tried to just type it in the browser and still nothing. Not even them comparing themselves to a object
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Since that little child loves to show pictures to try to prove his point. Here is a younger female with 5'9 Spring Thomas just to see Mandingo's when he was younger was bigger even when he did scenes with tall females.

Has no hands on it, so nobody knows what size it is or what fish-eye lenses they are using, and picture sets are usually edited best to obtain shots from videos. Mandingo is a short man and his girth makes it look longer than it is you even admitted this with manuel ferrara. Look when Mandingo have hands on penis, gives us realistic estimate of size I have shown above females can get 3 hands on mandingo. Criss Strokes is 2 hands and glans, danny d 3 hands. Mandingo got 9" or 9.25. Ice Cold 9", Clover 8.25", Criss Strokes 7.5-8", Danny D 8.5/8.75 all within a an inch of Mandingo. An inch is big in the real world. But there are guys on this site like Pirapus, bigdicknickb, Quercusone same size as Mandingo and mr Snufalufagus bigger. If you look at the hand size maybe you will understand this. Little bit bored of this now so I am out. If you want to go to your grave believing Criss Strokes is 6.5 and nobody in the world world beats mandingo then that is your belief. Many of us know that is wrong and there are other guys out there in the 8 or low 9 range. You will continue to come back to this forum over and over abusing people.. Good luck with that I guess and best to you, but I will not engage anymore. Was fun but more to life than discussing the fraud, myths and tricks of porn. Regards.
Has no hands on it, so nobody knows what size it is or what fish-eye lenses they are using, and picture sets are usually edited best to obtain shots from videos. Mandingo is a short man and his girth makes it look longer than it is you even admitted this with manuel ferrara. Look when Mandingo have hands on penis, gives us realistic estimate of size I have shown above females can get 3 hands on mandingo. Criss Strokes is 2 hands and glans, danny d 3 hands. Mandingo got 9" or 9.25. Ice Cold 9", Clover 8.25", Criss Strokes 7.5-8", Danny D 8.5/8.75 all within a an inch of Mandingo. An inch is big in the real world. But there are guys on this site like Pirapus, bigdicknickb, Quercusone same size as Mandingo and mr Snufalufagus bigger. If you look at the hand size maybe you will understand this. Little bit bored of this now so I am out. If you want to go to your grave believing Criss Strokes is 6.5 and nobody in the world world beats mandingo then that is your belief. Many of us know that is wrong and there are other guys out there in the 8 or low 9 range. You will continue to come back to this forum over and over abusing people.. Good luck with that I guess and best to you, but I will not engage anymore. Was fun but more to life than discussing the fraud, myths and tricks of porn. Regards.

Could you stop typing to me? Get a freaking life. Nobody cares. Go jack off to your little dick hero Criss Strokes and stop mentioning my screen name and bothering me. This guy keeps getting banned over and over again comes back and does the same thing. Troll and spam how his man hero Criss Strokes has a 8 inch dick. Or that this white guy or that white guy is bigger than Mandingo. Nobody cares what you think that is why most people ignore you. They know you are a returning banned member here doing the same thing you got banned for before. Going to any thread that somebody mentions Criss Strokes and give the same tired ass lines about some curve in little dick Criss Strokes dick. Or look at hands bull crap just like RFJ used to do. My dad was 5'8 and had way bigger than me and I ma 6'4. So who gives a damn.

Strokes was measured at 6.5 because he is that size and has a little dick.

Moderators could you ban this guy again? Good grief.
So you both have been banned before. Now gtfo and stay away. You have been banned for a reason.[/QUOTE

Lol I have never been banned because this is my first time on this site but try again. So how about you GTFO and you go get a new hobby. How about that? 10 years you have been checking out dudes dick? Yep you are so cool. I hope I can be just like you.
Lol I have never been banned because this is my first time on this site but try again. So how about you GTFO and you go get a new hobby. How about that? 10 years you have been checking out dudes dick? Yep you are so cool. I hope I can be just like you.

First of all you provided lots of evidence yourself, that you in fact are a returned banned member. Second, gj being a homohobic asshole.
Although you seem to be pretty much obsessed by cocks. So who knows?
They copypasted a section of the shaft, you can see the joint about halfway between the hand and the circ scar, with identical patterns on either side.
yes is shopped , And to show how it would be if it were 10 inches