TrollolololollololooooHe is a lot shorter than guys like Lexington Steele who is around 8.5 inches right? I think one scene had Jack Napier being measured at 9 cheating. People believe he may be closer 8 inches. Both are much bigger than Prince.
Isn't the guy John E Depth? If so maybe his hands are weird looking like Megan Fox. But in a few other pictures he is being measured and he was still around 7.5 inches in those pictures too. So I don't know if the picture above is photo shopped. Unless they are trying to make his dick look thicker.'s porn....who cares??
the most important question is: who is that girl?...Anyway...
Another of Eric John; not really any better than anything posted so far, but still..another:
the most important question is: who is that girl?
From the photo shown, the ruler is a bit up his dick so he's probably another 0.75 inches longer at least then the photo so 8.5 sounds about right.No way that John E Depth is 7.5. he's 8 minimum. I would say 8.5 min
Also I have to say this entire thread is full of a lot of guys with tiny dicks who can't admit that there are dicks in porn over 9 inches or so lol. the claims of lex only being 8 inches or mandingo being 8.5 are hilarious. Then those exact same small dick guys basically take photos of themselves overmeasuring their dicks to make themself feel like they have a big dick and are close to pornstar size. LOL
Actually Lex is around the 8.25-8.5 mark, and Mandingo around 8.75-9. Visible penis length that is. I don't care, I have no dog in this fight. Just stating what the visuals clearly depict from watching hundreds of porn videos.
lol okay bro whatever makes you feel better. Lex is at best 9 inches nbpel, and mandingo is between 9-10 easily. He was measured next to an 11 inch doll at 9.5 inches so we know he's at least that long.