Measured porn stars??

That photo is measured completely incorrectly, doesn't prove anything other than a general range.

I've watched countless vids and I'm telling you neither of them, or anyone else, is anything over 9" NBP. Again, they could be 12 for all I care, I don't claim anything and don't place pride or self worth in my penis. If you want to sit there and call me deluded or insecure then go ahead. What do I care, I'm just stating what I know to help bring realism to this thread :)

Hey guys I found one of the small dick losers on here :D It was a pretty clear and correct measurement. I don't think this site is for you dude. If you can't admit that huge penises exist out there, over 9 inches, then you should probably leave. There may be a small dick support group somewhere out there.
Hey guys I found one of the small dick losers on here :D It was a pretty clear and correct measurement. I don't think this site is for you dude. If you can't admit that huge penises exist out there, over 9 inches, then you should probably leave. There may be a small dick support group somewhere out there.

See insults and name calling doesn't get you anywhere. You can think whatever you want of me, what do I care. I just like posting factual information.

The Barbie doll thing was completely wrong. It was taken with the penis pointed downwards, which is in no way a correct measurement method, and IIRC the doll might not even have been parallel with the penis. Not a very revealing photo in terms of a precise number.

Again, call me whatever you like, I don't post for myself or my own ego. I just try to keep things real, that's all.
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Also I have to say this entire thread is full of a lot of guys with tiny dicks who can't admit that there are dicks in porn over 9 inches or so lol.

There might be - can't really name anyone except Mandingo though. So maybe the "tiny dick guys" have a point?

Maybe Mandingo is the only known 9 inch in straight porn who is mainstream. Maybe not. Have you ever gone through that link? Of course none of them are measuring themselves so it is pretty hard to make a good guess by just seeing a guy penis without any type of perspective.
I've read that guide and its largely rubbish. It claims mr Pete is 9 inches and danny d is 8. Although it was based on his gay work as matthew hughes where he isn't really that hard.

I know it's gay porn but do you think Cubano could be a rival to dingo?
He looks more impressive in videos

Or in mainstream porn boomer banks is definitely the biggest.

Funnily enough he claims 23 cm which is little over 9. If he was in straight he would be much bigger ;)


Yeah that site is pretty much bullshit but it does show a lot of pornstars and amatuer guys I never heard of.

Good pictures he does a look around Mandingo's size. Since I don't watch gay porn I would of never seen or heard of him so thank you for putting the pictures here.
A lot of the guys in the guide are from a few decades back and a lot are dead so it's not surprising.

You're welcome. I think 23 cm is spot on, perhaps even 24.

A lot of these really big guys don't even appear in mainstream porn so they will likely never achieve as much recognition. This guy has done more mainstream stuff now, where he is said to be 14 inches now lol.

I know this is purely conjecture but gay porn doesn't really choose big cocks on race ( he's Arab)- I've seen every group represented, but it is heavily skewed towards Latin and African American guys.

Do you think Tony T is bigger than dingo?
Is Tony T another name that Tony Duncan uses? If so it is hard to tell.

It says Ivy Winters is the girl but I am pretty sure that is Mila Shengol who is really petite and he doesn't look bigger than Mandingo in that scene.
But looking at that site again Wade Pope, Ralph Woods, No Myth , Big Smoke , Drew Brody and a guy named Gunner all look pretty impressive. You might of scene some of their scenes so could you tell me do you believe any of them are Mandingo sized? Pictures with nothing to based their size on is pretty hard to do.
I know the names and a few of them are on here.

Drew brody could. I think he may have done a scene with Matthew Hughes which might give some comparison.
Nope - but then the link is all bull...

To mention a few of the more well-known actors mentioned in the link: Jack Napier isn't 14", Jake Steed isn't 10", John E. Depth isn't 10", John Holmes wasn't 14"... Oh, boy waste of time... If not real, at least keep it realistic...

It's clear that you must have a very small penis, Princess. :rolleyes: