Measured porn stars??

and right, i give a fuck about you, so why should i upload a pic for you. I'm not the one claiming to be as big as Mandingo.

...that's why you can't hold your dick with both hands without pressing them against balls leaving the glans showing outside them..... :biggrin1::biggrin1: because you can't do that with a 6" dick :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1:

And that's why you don't even hold your dick with a single hand in any pic at your gallery. Because this way everybody could see you aren't as big as you claim to be :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1:

In porn (we're talking about pornstars) people don't know wich dicks are larger by watching Gillete cans, they do this comparing the actor's dicks with the size of the hands
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a) I have 1 pic (of my dick) besides the verification because I don't need to proof anything
b) what do I claim? where do I claim anything?
c) if you think i'm 6" I don't care since I know better

I don't know who you want to fool. Everbody sees that the gilette can is not on top of your penis and it's pushed into your leg.
It's always the same. As soon as you're caught you try to distract. It's not about me. It's about the pitiful you who claims to be as big as Mandingo, shoots nitty pictures using every trick possible and tries to distract by attacking others.
I'm just here to have some fun with the other guys (and girls) and I don't try to push a stupid agenda like you do. They only thing you do is try to convince people that you're as big as Mandingo to get over the loads of complexes you seem to have. But surprise surprise, you are not as big as him. And I think that 99% of the people here will agree on that. And don't start again with your stupid "people want to believe he's 12 inches" bullshit. We all know he is not. And no one states such a thing. Still you come up with that shit every time you know no better answer. Don't make up stuff all the time. It's getting boring to hear the same hogwash again and again. But I prophesy that you will never change and you'll post the same idiocy again and again. Why I am so sure of that? Because yet you have to admit when you're wrong. Even when I brought you face to face with scientific proven facts proving your fault you just answered bullshit instead of admitting your fault. And exactly that's the reason why it's a waste of time to even consider discussing with you.

As a matter of fact that was my very last post concerning you since I'm tired of casting pearls before swine.
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a) I have 1 pic (of my dick) besides the verification because I don't need to proof anything
b) what do I claim? where do I claim anything?
c) if you think i'm 6" I don't care since I know better

I don't know who you want to fool. Everbody sees that the gilette can is not on top of your penis and it's pushed into your leg.
It's always the same. As soon as you're caught you try to distract. It's not about me. It's about the pitiful you who claims to be as big as Mandingo, shoots nitty pictures using every trick possible and tries to distract by attacking others.
I'm just here to have some fun with the other guys (and girls) and I don't try to push a stupid agenda like you do. They only thing you do is try to convince people that you're as big as Mandingo to get over the loads of complexes you seem to have. But surprise surprise, you are not as big as him. And I think that 99% of the people here will agree on that. And don't start again with your stupid "people want to believe he's 12 inches" bullshit. We all know he is not. And no one states such a thing. Still you come up with that shit every time you know no better answer. Don't make up stuff all the time. It's getting boring to hear the same hogwash again and again. But I prophesy that you will never change and you'll post the same idiocy again and again. Why I am so sure of that? Because yet you have to admit when you're wrong. Even when I brought you face to face with scientific proven facts proving your fault you just answered bullshit instead of admitting your fault. And exactly that's the reason why it's a waste of time to even consider discussing with you.

As a matter of fact that was my very last post concerning you since I'm tired of casting pearls before swine.

Post of the day :smile:

Pity the Mods doesn't stop him - just put him on ignore...
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a) I have 1 pic (of my dick) besides the verification because I don't need to proof anything
b) what do I claim? where do I claim anything?
c) if you think i'm 6" I don't care since I know better

I don't know who you want to fool. Everbody sees that the gilette can is not on top of your penis and it's pushed into your leg.

FALSE as everybody (but you) can see. :biggrin1:
As soon as you're caught you try to distract. .

Have I been caugth?? Really? :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1:

I think the only one who had been caugth is you when you said Mandingo is much bigger than me
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Even though rfj is a thread hijacker he still makes valid points about the average hand size in the relation to the penis length.If everyone can agree thats he is correct maybe he will move on to another topic, subject or forum.
. It's about the pitiful you who claims to be as big as Mandingo, shoots nitty pictures using every trick possible and tries to distract by attacking others.
They only thing you do is try to convince people that you're as big as Mandingo to get over the loads of complexes you seem to have. But surprise surprise, you are not as big as him. And I think that 99% of the people here will agree on that..

Who are you when talking about "complexes"? Sigmund Freud, maybe? :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1:

Also forget about all your nonsenses and senseless blah blah blah.... and explain where do you see (apart from your imagination) the "big difference" in size between my dick and Mandingo's one....

Oh! I forgot that you CAN'T explain it, because it is a LIE, like all the rest of nonsenses you always tell :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1:
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I also have used hand size to estimate length and there is alot of pics of Mandingo where it clearly takes three and a half hands to cover him.

.... but you can't show them because it is a lie :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1:

... that's the reason why you talk about those pics but you can't post them :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1:

RFJ, you're a dreamer.

YouTube - Supertramp - Dreamer (live 1974)

It seems to me that it's you the one who dreams with unexisting pics of Mandingo holding his dick with three hands and a half :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1:
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Post of the day :smile:

Pity the Mods doesn't stop him - just put him on ignore...

Nope Princess.

What moderators should do is banning to those who attack, insult, diflame and offend to others just because they think different (as Snakebite is always doing) :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1:

...and if he keeps this way I guess he soon would be.... :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1:
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ok yall need to stop ruining porn threads, for real, nobody gives a shit except u losers with 2 much time on your hands, the rest of us are here for free porn
Then you could explain why do you say Mandingo's dick is much bigger than mine.....

Well, we all know that is hard triying to explain LIES :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1:

use same angle photos. you also take a pic closer to yours so it's going to look bigger(ie different scale) and also your 'arrows' are on different sides of the dick, mandingos are on top and yours on the bottom. you can claim to be as big as mandingo in your dreams but with this evidence you are not the same size. try again when you are not having delusions of grandeur.
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I'll quit feeding the flames as it didn't encourage any new, quality material from "Tim Daly".
Here is a link to a site where "nobodys" are measured. Not as the purveyors of quality measurement demand, but you get the gist...