Measured porn stars??

rfj, post a picture where you aren't grabbing your cock for once.
rfj, post a picture where you aren't grabbing your cock for once.

The hands are used as an element of reference to show how big it is.

That's the reason why most guys here don't hold their dicks at their galleries. Because you can't guess the size of a dick with a pic where there isn't an element of reference in order to compare its size with.

When you see a dick that takes more than 2 hands to be fully holded.....

.... you know it is a BIG one.
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I'll quit feeding the flames as it didn't encourage any new, quality material from "Tim Daly".
Here is a link to a site where "nobodys" are measured. Not as the purveyors of quality measurement demand, but you get the gist...

Oh.. I see. Photoshopped dicks and superimposed resized rules over the dicks :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1:

It's here where do you learned to make your size "estimations" ?


You're PATHETIC.....
There's time to reinvent yourself! rfj...words to live by!

"Inchworm, inchworm
[SIZE=+1]Measuring the marigold[/SIZE] (penises)
[SIZE=+1]You and your arithmatic[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]You'll probably go far[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Inchworm, inchworm[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Measuring the marigold (penises)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Seems to me you'd stop and see[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]How beautiful they are"[/SIZE]
There's time to reinvent yourself! rfj...words to live by!

"Inchworm, inchworm
[SIZE=+1]Measuring the marigold[/SIZE] (penises)
[SIZE=+1]You and your arithmatic[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]You'll probably go far[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Inchworm, inchworm[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Measuring the marigold (penises)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Seems to me you'd stop and see[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]How beautiful they are"[/SIZE]

Oh yeah..... We all know how terrible bad you are when it comes to estimate dick sizes.....

uh? "Eagle - eye"? :biggrin1::biggrin1:
3 words that fit perfectly:

minimal cerebral dysfunction

5 words that fit perfectly:

Lies are hard to explain

They only thing you do is try to convince people that you're as big as Mandingo to get over the loads of complexes you seem to have. But surprise surprise, you are not as big as him.
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This is the kind of silly "measurements" done in porn.

The ruler is positioned sideways instead ON TOP of the shaft.

The beggining of the ruler isn't in contact with the pelvic bone because it is positioned rigth over his leg.

Jack Napier is around 8" and with this totally absurd "measurement" it SEEMS that his dick reach the 9" mark.

Well, I guess they do that bullshit because there are people willing to believe this is a serious or accurate measurement :biggrin1:

Yeah, I can gain a extra 3/4" or more if I measure along the side. I guess that makes me huge lol.
No, it's you the one who is wrong, and I'll show you why.

OK. Let's see.This is the POV you tak about. Each black arrow is the hand width of Lex. As you can see, the width of both hands together is larger than his shaft. Period.

Mandingo's dick is larger than Lex Steele's one because his dick is as long as his two hands width (red lines) plus the glans as this pic show.

This is another pic of Lex Steele's dick. Each black arrow is the hand width. Two hands width together are as large as his entire dick.

In the following pic you can see the dicks of Mandingo, Richard Mann (the guy with the red shirt) and my own dick...

As you can see in the three dicks the length equals the width of both hands plus the glans. Each black arrow is the hand width.

This is Rico Strong's dick. He is as big as Mandingo (around 8"). Each black arrow is the hand width.

This is Jack Napier's dick. Each black arrow is the hand width.

Bearing in mind that the average hand width on adult males according to this study....

ISPUB - Determination Of Sex By Hand Dimensions

... is 8.45 cms (3.32" ) then the approximate length of Mandingo, Rico Strong, Richard Mann, Jack Napier and my dick is 3.32" (hand) + 3.32" (hand) + 1.37" (length of glans) = around 8 inches of penis length.

Let's see these dicks compared to Steele's one.

So, we got this...

Mandingo: 2 hands width + glans showing.

Richard Mann: 2 hands width + glans showing.

My dick: 2 hands width + glans showing.

Rico Strong: 2 hands width + glans showing.

Jack Napier: 2 hands width + glans showing.

Lex Steele: 2 hands width (with glans covered by upper hand).

Mandingo's dick, Richard Mann's dick, Jack Napier's dick, Rico Strong's dick and my dick are around 8".

Lex Steele's dick is shorter. It is around 7.5".

NOTE THAT THE BIGGEST DICKS IN PORN (Mandingo, Rico Strong, Richard Mann, Jack Napier...) HAVE A LENGT EQUIVALENT TO THE WIDTH OF TWO HANDS PLUS THE GLANS. Is it coincidence?. No. It's because the longest dick in porn are around 8" long.

It isn't a dream. It's reality. I'm larger than Lex Steele (as Mandingo, Rico Strong, Jack Napier or Richard Mann also are).

I don't think you are right. There is a film with Jack and Lex. Lex clearly longer( ). I have seen another movie with Jack and Mandingo, Mandigo longer too.
rfj, I may have you on ignore, but I can still see when you post. I hope you're happy that you ruined an interested thread, fucko.
I don't think you are right. There is a film with Jack and Lex. Lex clearly longer( ). I have seen another movie with Jack and Mandingo, Mandigo longer too.

In that pic Lex LOOKS larger because the girl is pressing her hand against his pubic bone while the hand who holds Napier's dick is slightly separated from his pubic bone :biggrin1::biggrin1:

You should pay more attention to what images actually show.
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RFJ HAVE YOU NOTICED HOW PITIFUL YOU SEEM TO ALL OF US ON LPSG? Your'e not going to earn browny points based on your big cock anymore (smaller than mine btw) you've been WAYYYYYYY too much of a loser on this site. Imagine how impossible it would be (if this were somehow possible) for you to get laid on this site after all of the damage that you've done to your reputation (you seem to ignore your insurmountably accumulating lack pf popularity from post to post well let me tell you it's all building up one post at a time and it's all you and you are pure garbage idiot. none of us want your shit now stop crying about and acting like we were supposed to taste it until it makes us sick, you have issues geek. So I have a funny feeling (wont' say why) that your account wont' last much longer because the administrator and I are going to give you one last chance to shutup but I know that you won't take it because you have nothing to lose on this site and you never shutup so you're not even goign to now that your account is goign to be gone if you don't shut your stupid mouth once and for all.. Think of how impossible it is for anyone to respect your posts based on your childish conceited rantings hahaha, you're a funny clown.. our gain, your loss.
Any more spam.. if you so much as reply to this message your account is gone. WANNA KNOW WHY I KNOW THIS? BECAUSE I PAY for my account on this site and you will be deleted if I tell the administrator that I will stop donating money every few months unless he destroys you from the face of the lpsg universe altogether. This is honestly your last warning: shut the fuck up NOW kid and do not reply for the first time on this site you can and will shut the fuck up right now. If you protest to this message one iota You're booted champ :D. Have a good one fruit.
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I give a shit about everything you said :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1:

I've already spoken to the administrators and other people and it's a miracle that you still have access to your site. .

I also reported your last posts to the administrators (the ones in wich you insulted and attacked me). So I hope you would be banned from this site in no time.

To make comments and explain my thougths about the penis sizes claimed in porn isn't a reason to be banned (this is a site to discuss about large penises among other things).

And THIS...

...was a reply to THIS...

... in case you haven't noticed it.

To insult, attack and offend others the way you do is a severe cause to being banned.

Bye :biggrin1:
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RFJ HAVE YOU NOTICED HOW PITIFUL YOU SEEM TO ALL OF US ON LPSG? Your'e not going to earn browny points based on your big cock anymore (smaller than mine btw) you've been WAYYYYYYY too much of a loser on this site. Imagine how impossible it would be (if this were somehow possible) for you to get laid on this site after all of the damage that you've done to your reputation (you seem to ignore your insurmountably accumulating lack pf popularity from post to post well let me tell you it's all building up one post at a time and it's all you and you are pure garbage idiot. none of us want your shit now stop crying about and acting like we were supposed to taste it until it makes us sick, you have issues geek. So I have a funny feeling (wont' say why) that your account wont' last much longer because the administrator and I are going to give you one last chance to shutup but I know that you won't take it because you have nothing to lose on this site and you never shutup so you're not even goign to now that your account is goign to be gone if you don't shut your stupid mouth once and for all.. Think of how impossible it is for anyone to respect your posts based on your childish conceited rantings hahaha, you're a funny clown.. our gain, your loss.
Any more spam.. if you so much as reply to this message your account is gone. WANNA KNOW WHY I KNOW THIS? BECAUSE I PAY for my account on this site and you will be deleted if I tell the administrator that I will stop donating money every few months unless he destroys you from the face of the lpsg universe altogether. This is honestly your last warning: shut the fuck up NOW kid and do not reply for the first time on this site you can and will shut the fuck up right now. If you protest to this message one iota You're booted champ :D. Have a good one fruit.
RFJ HAVE YOU NOTICED HOW PITIFUL YOU SEEM TO ALL OF US ON LPSG? Your'e not going to earn browny points based on your big cock anymore (smaller than mine btw) you've been WAYYYYYYY too much of a loser on this site. Imagine how impossible it would be (if this were somehow possible) for you to get laid on this site after all of the damage that you've done to your reputation (you seem to ignore your insurmountably accumulating lack pf popularity from post to post well let me tell you it's all building up one post at a time and it's all you and you are pure garbage idiot. none of us want your shit now stop crying about and acting like we were supposed to taste it until it makes us sick, you have issues geek. So I have a funny feeling (wont' say why) that your account wont' last much longer because the administrator and I are going to give you one last chance to shutup but I know that you won't take it because you have nothing to lose on this site and you never shutup so you're not even goign to now that your account is goign to be gone if you don't shut your stupid mouth once and for all.. Think of how impossible it is for anyone to respect your posts based on your childish conceited rantings hahaha, you're a funny clown.. our gain, your loss.
Any more spam.. if you so much as reply to this message your account is gone. WANNA KNOW WHY I KNOW THIS? BECAUSE I PAY for my account on this site and you will be deleted if I tell the administrator that I will stop donating money every few months unless he destroys you from the face of the lpsg universe altogether. This is honestly your last warning: shut the fuck up NOW kid and do not reply for the first time on this site you can and will shut the fuck up right now. If you protest to this message one iota You're booted champ :D. Have a good one fruit.

another instulting post reported to moderators :biggrin1:

bye bye bye ....:biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1: