Measured porn stars??


You interpretation of that calculation and grapic is wrong.

But it isn't. It quite clearly says that 20% - or 1 in 5 - are bigger than 18cm or 7 inches.


In short - for things that are normally distributed lie within 1 SD (to the right and left) of the mean 68.27 % of the population, within 2 SD 95.45%, and within 3 SD 99.73%. The graphic and bone-pressed values from the studies' sample you posted claim that 19.42% of the population lie above(!) 15.74 + 2.62 = 18.36 cm.

I said that 19.42% are above 18cm, not 18.36

If we go up to 18.36 it would be 15.8%, which fit's perfectly together with the 68% being 1SD left and right (100 - 2 * 15.8 = 68)


And again that's bone-pressed. So subtract the average fat pad mentioned in one of your studies (2.58cm) and you're left with the conclusion that only 2.72% of men have a non bone-pressed penis-length of 18.4cm.

I wouldn't use the average fat pad, as women aren't hooking up with fat but primarily with fit men. My fat pad is like 1cm, and if we enter 18.8cm (7 inch NBP + 1cm fat pad) into the equation it's 12% which is like 1 in 8 fit men that have 7" NBP
In fact, most women IRL don't even enjoy a huge dick...

That's a you-problem.

In reality most women do enjoy a huge dick, if it's attached to someone that enjoys foreplay, that listens to them, that communicates with them and that just doesn't jackhammers them straight away

And I bet I'm bigger than you anyway. You could also be one of those 7 inchers that are like "but I'm huge, why aren't there any size queens jumping on my dick" - it's simply because 7" isn't huge to women and not worth the effort
@Narz Got ya mate.

But does it go against anyones perception, that ~85% of men are smaller than e.g. Jason Luv while at the same time 15% are most definitely bigger? That's what you're saying here and providing studies for. Doesn't sound too controversial to me. And the other guy takes it to proof his point that this is barely average at best according to his "hookups".

It's a weird mix of people trying do downplay every legit 8"+ dick to a 6 incher while others try to make a point that... A whatever, I came here to check a few pics. I'm out.
That's a you-problem.

In reality most women do enjoy a huge dick, if it's attached to someone that enjoys foreplay, that listens to them, that communicates with them and that just doesn't jackhammers them straight away

And I bet I'm bigger than you anyway. You could also be one of those 7 inchers that are like "but I'm huge, why aren't there any size queens jumping on my dick" - it's simply because 7" isn't huge to women and not worth the effort
Sure, I bet you are:

But let me add this, as you tried to downgrade the guy before you because you reckon he's packing less than you. I really doubt that you're packing anything with your repertoire of penis size studies and bitter quest to prove to all that everybody else has a much bigger dick than they do. That's so much small dick energy from you, that you'd be a real outlier for someone with a big dick.
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@Lance Bass

Dropping facts is a bit far fetched with reference to the inference of 1 in 5 men. But whatever. Maybe just google for pictures of a bell curve and standard deviations and you guys will see it a bit clearer.

I don't know your measurements. But as you're so focused on the 7"+ category, I'd assume you're packing a Jason Luv as well. If the women you met told you that you're as you mentioned 'average at best', then honestly fuck them. No need to become so bitter about it and start going around and propagate the same to others.
Not me I’m between 7.8 and 8 inches so I’m telling y’all from experience but keep thinking what y’all want lol most of these women don’t think 7 is big it’s medium at best to them
I'm also convinced that you guys will always downplay pornstar sizes in order to feel bigger

For example Alex Jones was measured at 8" NBP, yet everyone in this thread was arguing that he's like 7" at most. It's like even when faced with a perfect ruler measurement you guys choose to believe what you want to believe in instead of accepting reality.
I have also noticed that, people see a picture with a ruler on it, he's measuring it right and it measures at 8 still everyone starts guessing he's 7, like... Are you blind?
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You forgot 7 inches is only above average as well don’t forget to leave that out. And anything below 7 is small to most women
Dude, I don't know what girls are you sleeping with? But the ones I have and also my friends, who don't have to lie to me to make me feel better because we don't sleep together, they all say between 5 and 7 is completely fine, but 7,5 is painful as fuck and definitely not enjoyable. Just imagine what 8 must feel to them. But well I will repeat what another guy said in a comment above, "I won't judge how you got into that conversation with a hookup but women hate insecure men and mostly men who brag a lot so maybe she just saw the opportunity to tear you down and took it" Maybe not, maybe she had the luck of finding a lot of 7+ inchers, that's possible when you don't go looking for long time relationships, most average guys don't consider themselves a "One Night Stand".
@Lance Bass

The fact that in your profile you got 50 pages of posts in this thread, of which the majority start with some bitter "LMAO" or "Shut the fuck up", coupled with the claim that you got 8" really don't seem plausible. I can only imagine what bitterness drives you, however I don't thik it's justified. You're probably just fine.

One more thing though. As this quote is from you last year, I wonder what enlightenment has taken place to go from claiming that 7.75" is "Huge" to now being on the quest to educate all these 7" guys that they are "medium at best".

I’d say big

Huge would be at least 7.75 nbp in length and at least 5.75 in girth

monster would be at least 8 nbp in length and at least 6.25 in girth

Also interesting that the difference between huge and medium at best is only .75" according to you. I wonder where I fall on this spectrum with NBP 7.3". Probably slightly above medium at best or so.
but 7,5 is painful as fuck and definitely not enjoyable.

That's a feel-good lie. Hitting the cervix painfully doesn't happen if there's foreplay and communication involved. Speaking from experience bottoming out is very enjoyable to almost all women, if they are warmed up and you don't just blindly jackhammer away without any foreplay.

With 7.5"+ you can go past the cervix and hit the P-Spot at the very end of her vaginal canal, which can easily lead to intense vaginal orgasms.

Sex Tips for Boring People: The New G-Spot, Expired Sex Toys, and Oral Orgasms

What's being named the cul-de-sac is the area at the back of the vagina, behind the cervix.

The vagina balloons out when a woman is sexually aroused, and space opens up away from the cervix, leaving room for penetration and friction. If you haven't opened up yet and you hit the cervix (bottoming out), it's less than fun. But if you can wind your way down this new Lover's Lane, you can happily park it at the cul-de-sac for some excellent sexing.

The anterior fornix erogenous zone (also known as the AFE zone, AFE, A-spot, epicenter, deep spot or second G-spot) is a female erogenous zone that when stimulated can lead to rapid vaginal lubrication and arousal, sometimes without any other form of stimulation, with continued stimulation resulting in an intense orgasm

Is the A-Spot the Same Thing As the G-Spot?

Its depth is why some call it, colloquially, the deep spot.

“People who have experienced orgasms through deep vaginal penetration have likely had an A-spot orgasm,” says Dr. Sadie, adding that they’re usually more intense and longer lasting than G-spot orgasms.

“I’ve always needed really deep, rough penetration in order to orgasm,” says Sam F., 23. “I didn’t know that what I was experiencing was likely an A-spot orgasm until I found some article online about it.”

Women who prefer longer penises are more likely to have vaginal orgasms (but not clitoral orgasms): implications for an evolutionary theory of vaginal orgasm - PubMed

Likelihood of orgasm with a longer penis was related to greater vaginal orgasm frequency but unrelated to frequencies of other sexual behaviors, including clitoral orgasm.

Women who prefer deeper penile-vaginal stimulation are more likely to have vaginal orgasm

Penis Size Matters in Bed, Study Finds | Live Science

A new study finds that women who have frequent vaginal orgasms are more likely than other women to say they climax more easily with men with larger penises
Dude, I don't know what girls are you sleeping with? But the ones I have and also my friends, who don't have to lie to me to make me feel better because we don't sleep together, they all say between 5 and 7 is completely fine, but 7,5 is painful as fuck and definitely not enjoyable. Just imagine what 8 must feel to them. But well I will repeat what another guy said in a comment above, "I won't judge how you got into that conversation with a hookup but women hate insecure men and mostly men who brag a lot so maybe she just saw the opportunity to tear you down and took it" Maybe not, maybe she had the luck of finding a lot of 7+ inchers, that's possible when you don't go looking for long time relationships, most average guys don't consider themselves a "One Night Stand".
Lmao where are you getting these lies from 7.5 is painful? Hahaha maybe to some but most can handle that you keep saying I said one female no it’s majority of the females I’ve been with my entire life not just one
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@Lance Bass

The fact that in your profile you got 50 pages of posts in this thread, of which the majority start with some bitter "LMAO" or "Shut the fuck up", coupled with the claim that you got 8" really don't seem plausible. I can only imagine what bitterness drives you, however I don't thik it's justified. You're probably just fine.

One more thing though. As this quote is from you last year, I wonder what enlightenment has taken place to go from claiming that 7.75" is "Huge" to now being on the quest to educate all these 7" guys that they are "medium at best".

Also interesting that the difference between huge and medium at best is only .75" according to you. I wonder where I fall on this spectrum with NBP 7.3". Probably slightly above medium at best or so.
I don’t care what you come up with to try to downplay what I’m saying and yes 0.75 makes a huge difference after we get into the 7’s and 8’s look at Lex Steele and Mandingo huge difference and Lex is a big fella you guys don’t know nothing lol
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That's a feel-good lie. Hitting the cervix painfully doesn't happen if there's foreplay and communication involved. Speaking from experience bottoming out is very enjoyable to almost all women, if they are warmed up and you don't just blindly jackhammer away without any foreplay.

With 7.5"+ you can go past the cervix and hit the P-Spot at the very end of her vaginal canal, which can easily lead to intense vaginal orgasms.

Sex Tips for Boring People: The New G-Spot, Expired Sex Toys, and Oral Orgasms

What's being named the cul-de-sac is the area at the back of the vagina, behind the cervix.

The vagina balloons out when a woman is sexually aroused, and space opens up away from the cervix, leaving room for penetration and friction. If you haven't opened up yet and you hit the cervix (bottoming out), it's less than fun. But if you can wind your way down this new Lover's Lane, you can happily park it at the cul-de-sac for some excellent sexing.

The anterior fornix erogenous zone (also known as the AFE zone, AFE, A-spot, epicenter, deep spot or second G-spot) is a female erogenous zone that when stimulated can lead to rapid vaginal lubrication and arousal, sometimes without any other form of stimulation, with continued stimulation resulting in an intense orgasm

Is the A-Spot the Same Thing As the G-Spot?

Its depth is why some call it, colloquially, the deep spot.

“People who have experienced orgasms through deep vaginal penetration have likely had an A-spot orgasm,” says Dr. Sadie, adding that they’re usually more intense and longer lasting than G-spot orgasms.

“I’ve always needed really deep, rough penetration in order to orgasm,” says Sam F., 23. “I didn’t know that what I was experiencing was likely an A-spot orgasm until I found some article online about it.”

Women who prefer longer penises are more likely to have vaginal orgasms (but not clitoral orgasms): implications for an evolutionary theory of vaginal orgasm - PubMed

Likelihood of orgasm with a longer penis was related to greater vaginal orgasm frequency but unrelated to frequencies of other sexual behaviors, including clitoral orgasm.

Women who prefer deeper penile-vaginal stimulation are more likely to have vaginal orgasm

Penis Size Matters in Bed, Study Finds | Live Science

A new study finds that women who have frequent vaginal orgasms are more likely than other women to say they climax more easily with men with larger penises
These dudes have no clue at all
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I'm also convinced that you guys will always downplay pornstar sizes in order to feel bigger

For example Alex Jones was measured at 8" NBP, yet everyone in this thread was arguing that he's like 7" at most. It's like even when faced with a perfect ruler measurement you guys choose to believe what you want to believe in instead of accepting reality.

Please link to the posts of people saying Alex Jones is 7" at most.

I think the vast majority of us believe he is between 7.5 and 8.0 based on the few and all faulty measurement pics he has out there.
So this is all stretched length (Avg. BP Flaccid Length)!!!
This is stated at
Additionally, due to its imperfect correlation, an individual's stretched length can be longer or shorter than their erect length.
I asked to be shown Western studies that show Avg. BP Erect Length (6.0-6.6").
I actually don’t think the problem is that it’s stretched length. I think it’s that it’s bone pressed. A BP 7 incher isn’t all that rare. A NBP 7 incher, like the pornstars we discuss ITT, is.